View Full Version : Shot in wrong format - fixable?

Burt Holland
January 31st, 2006, 01:15 PM
I just shot some green screen footage and now realize my HD100 was set to HDV-SD60P rather than HDV-HD30P. I have not had any luck creating a setting that will allow me to capture this footage into FCP 5.0.4.

Since I do have a Blackmagic Card, I was able to pull it in via component, which might be the best way for green screen anyway? Is there a setting that could bring this in native? I'm not sure why they even have the SD60P. What is it anyway? It appears from the manual that it is HDV but 480 pixels. Does that make sense?

Burt Holland
G5 Dual 2.5
OS 10.4
FCP 5.0.4
Decklink Extreme
ProMax SATA Raid

Tim Dashwood
January 31st, 2006, 04:36 PM

Component via decklink was probably the best way to bring it in, but there is a native m2t solution.
You are not the first person to accidentally shoot in SD mode using the HDV codec. The good news is that your 480P60 footage will still be in mpeg2 transport stream, so you can use DVHSCap or HDVxDV to capture it and then convert it to a usable quicktime format.
The bad news is that you didn't shoot HD.

Check out this thread for more details on someone else who did exactly the same thing.

We figured out what was wrong around post #15 in that thread, and then I suggested a workflow.