View Full Version : xl1s evf

kozma steve
January 13th, 2002, 09:49 AM
still i don't know how to make evf b&w
please helpp

Ozzie Alfonso
January 13th, 2002, 10:27 AM
The electronic view finder that comes standard with the XL-1 is color. A high resolution black and white view finder is available as a separate assessory. Unless the XL-1S has changed things, there is now chroma control (no way to get rid of color) in the EVF. I presume you're using PAL where the same would apply.

Chris Hurd
January 13th, 2002, 04:15 PM
You can make a "black box" to go between the EVF and camera body which takes out the color. See Don Palomaki's article in the EVF section of the Articles Menu on the XL1 Watchdog.

On the XL1S, you can adjust the EVF color between red and blue, but you can't completely dial out the color.

Ozzie Alfonso
January 13th, 2002, 04:23 PM
Welcome back Chris.

What's the advantage, if any, of a b&w EVF if it's not hi-res? Even if you can take the chroma out of the color EVF, the image will still be lacking the necessary definition for critical focusing. That's what I suspect the original post was about. Under the best of all possible worlds I would like to have a high resolution EVF that can be toggled between B&W and color. Tha t way I can check focus AND color balance. Too much to ask but no loss in asking.