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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:41 AM   #1
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Needing backup body - another 7D or a 60D?

I'm shooting a lot of videos which require a two camera setup. I've been borrowing a buddy's 7D to match with mine, but I don't want to keep borrowing, so I may need to pull the trigger on another body. Is there any reason to pay the extra ~500 for a 7D, or should I just get the 60D? It'd be the second camera, probably, but if the quality is the same, there's no reason they can't be interchangeable.

It's not a lowlight shoot, and I very rarely do lowlight shoots.

I also do photography, so if that enters into the decision, please tell me.

I can afford the 7D if I had to, but I don't want to pay it just to pay it, if the 60D would be a great choice.

Edit: I did a search, but didn't find a question like this. I know there are comparisons, I'm just wondering about mixing footage. If it's been asked, I apologize, please point me to it.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:46 AM   #2
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I have the 7d, and it felt like a slap in the face when the 60d came out.

my brother has the 60d and IMO, the swivel LCD screen, button lock, manual audio and ESPECIALLY the histogram in live view trumps just about any of the benefits the 7d could have had.

I'm especially bummed that the 7d doesn't have a histogram, but I am still keeping it and might just add a 60d to the quiver.

I hope we can get a firmware update for it that gives it some of the benefits all the other cameras now seem to have
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 02:36 PM   #3
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The only benefit of the 7D over the 60D in video is the full HD HDMI output in case you want to use an external monitor.

O.K. the build feels better too but that's about it (the 60D is not that bad either)

Audio levels, swivel LCD, live histogram, lower price and less prone to overheating due to the articulating screen the 60D for video is the winner hands down.

Actually I believe that it is going to turn the 7D into your back up camera ant take the prime role.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 05:22 PM   #4
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I keep seeing the same battle going on, 7D v 60D. The most versatile Canon DSLR for shooting video at the moment has to be the 550D, with Magic Lantern. Why this camera is being ignored in such discussions baffles me.
OK, we all accept that the 7D has a much better build quality, and clean HDMI out, I know, I own one.
The 60D has its swivel screen, fine if you find it usable, and improved audio.
The 550D is well under half the price of the 7D and about £300 less than the 60D. With magic Lantern on board it offers numerous advantages for shooting video over the other two.

GUI menus: press the ERASE button to display them, SET/DISP to
change values
Bit rate control (QScale parameter) for the H.264 encoder
Exposure aids: zebra stripes, false color, spotmeter, histogram
Focus peaking
Rack focus
Stack focus (Live View only)
Cropmarks (16:9, Cinemascope, Fisheye)
Intervalometer (classic or HDR)
Silent pictures in LiveView mode
Trap Focus: camera takes a picture when something comes in focus
Remote release with either the LCD face sensor or audio trigger
Onscreen audio meters
Manual audio gain, selectable input source, disable AGC and digital lters
Display time remaining during video recording
Debug functions (display CMOS temperature, screenshot, logging)
Fine tuning for ISO and shutter speeds; also ISO 25600
Kelvin white balance
Clean LiveView display without any overlays (selectable)
On-demand auto tuning for ISO, shutter & kelvin white balance
Quick access to some useful settings like HTP, ALO and contrast
Extra info displays: lens data, focus distance, DOF, shutter count, clock

Since Magic lantern came along I have used the 550D as B cam to my EX1 on every shoot, it is just so much more versatile than the 7D. I love the build quality of the 7D, it is magnificent, but remember the most vulnerable part of a camera, where adverse weather is concerned, is the lens.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 08:11 AM   #5
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You are absolutely right about the 550D + Magic lantern. The reasons I didn't mention it is because it needs a (harmless though) hack (not everybody is happy or comfortable hacking a camera) and there are a couple things it does that cannot be hacked (overheating and articulating screen).

Also chances are that the 60D will have it's own hack soon as well.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 12:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Steve Crawford View Post
Is there any reason to pay the extra ~500 for a 7D, or should I just get the 60D?
... It's not a lowlight shoot, and I very rarely do lowlight shoots.
60D no doubts, and considering that low light performance is not an issue for you even 550D could do,
i say "even" because they're not the same, 550D was the only one i let go, but I film weddings (low light:), and use all the other D's in my work interchangeably; in good light you won't be able to tell between 7D and 60D, well, even in low light it's not easy :) but choosing between 550D and 60D - no second thought - 60D, it has too many important advantages to miss.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 12:49 PM   #7
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There is no difference in picture quality or low light performance whatsoever between the 7D, 60D and 550D. I own both a 7D and a 550D and shot for a week using a friends 60D. With respect I totally disagree with you when you say there are to many advantages with the 60D over the 550D. With Magic Lantern the 550D has more beneficial options available for shooting video, even more than my Sony EX1, and way, way more than the other Canon DSLRs
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 02:49 PM   #8
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that was an interesting perspective Colin, thanks for that
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 04:54 PM   #9
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If it's a backup camera, I'd go for the 60D. The flipout LCD screen makes it very desirable, in my opinion, especially for low angle shots.
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Old February 4th, 2011, 06:02 PM   #10
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I have three 7D's and a 60D and, quite honestly, I find myself using the 60D more and more. The articulating LCD screen is fantastic for Glidecam and slider work.
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Old February 7th, 2011, 03:55 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Spiros Zaharakis View Post
The only benefit of the 7D over the 60D in video is the full HD HDMI output in case you want to use an external monitor.
Originally Posted by Colin Rowe View Post
OK, we all accept that the 7D has a much better build quality, and clean HDMI out, I know, I own one.
I was under the impression that the 7d's output was NOT full HD, as pointed out in this thread.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 01:36 PM   #12
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ML for 60D (hopefully) is coming, but its not ready yet and there is no guarantee. I know they are working on it...
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Old February 8th, 2011, 01:41 PM   #13
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Now with the t3i you have another option.
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