Panasonic GS320 as deck / backup
I recently shot a graduation ceremony using a GL2 (primary) and the Panasonic GS320. I just got the cam to act as my emergency backup and my minidv tape deck so I didn't wear my GL2 heads out. It has the benefit of having a 3CCD system and decent optical IS. The 10x zoom is pretty short for auditorium events, but what do you want for a $290 cam. Also would be nice if it had a mic input, but no luck. It has a shoe mount, but why, I can't possible guess since it doesn't have a mic input.
I haven't had a chance to compare footage yet. From what I saw operating the GS320 it didn't look too grainy at 18db (dark auditorium, no other option).
One annoyance is when you engage manual settings and fiddle with the menu to get to the Iris control, you aren't actually changing the Iris .... it is the gain. Once you bump the gain down to 0 then it lets you change the iris. interesting.
Anyone else have any experience with this camera as either just a deck or as a backup?