matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot at
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Canon XF Series 4K and HD Camcorders
Canon XF705, XF405, XF305, XF205 and XF105 (with SDI), Canon XF400, XF300, XF200 and XF100 (without SDI).

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Old October 24th, 2015, 09:39 AM   #1
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matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot

hi everyone. I will be videotaping a musical performance under controlled lighting situations soon and I decided to cover it with my 4 cameras- a Canon C100, a XF100, a XF300 and a 70D.
Since I have several presets loaded into each camera I did some testings to see which ones would match or get close enough to do some adjustments in post...nothing major.
I shots the same scene -some slight framing differences but same lighting conditions-I white balanced and the cameras were close in K temperature. from 3700K to 3900K- so close enough. For the 70D i manually entered 3700k to match the readings of the C100.
Then I just asked my good pal Starlord to pose for me and he did :-) .

I found that the C100 mk2 looks great using Wide DR, the 70D ok in cinestyle but too soft so I will use a modified faithful setting instead with some adjustments-less contrast, then the XF100 in the Truvid 2 preset I found several months ago (thanks!) and the XF300 also in the Truvid2 setting. JPEG is attached..
I found that the only one that shows a shift to the reds is the XF300 which I have noticed before but I have lived with it I guess but I want to change that...exactly which settings do I need to tweak to bring the colour of the XF300 more in line with the XF100 and the rest. I should have asked this question years ago!

I hope someone can guide me here guys...thanks!
pls help!
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matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot-matching-xf-cameras-c100-70d-first-choice.jpg   matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot-matching-xf-cameras-c100-70d-set-2.jpg  

Canon C100 mark 2, Canon XF300 & XF100, Canon 90D, Sony a6400,Ronin S etc etc
Erick Perdomo is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 24th, 2015, 11:46 PM   #2
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Re: matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot

There are a number of older discussions on how to use the scopes on the xf300 to neutralize the magenta tone. Do some searching and you'll find it. It's late, and I don't remember where it is now. Also, you don't include a skin tone in your test. That's were all this falls apart. I've owned all the cameras you own and have never had every one of them match in post. Why? The sensors are all different and have different characteristics. You will not see it as easily in your tests as when you shoot live work with warm colors like wood floors and skin tones. Then it will jump out at you, though you can see what I mean in your second set of tests above. The C100 goes way different in the red range than than xf300 .The xf300 has always been the camera that looks best with stage lighting out of these. The C100, due to AVCHD and it's sensor, will be much different than the XF300 or xf100. It seems contrastier to my eyes. . But often it appears to be best to my eyes in all situations, but the xf300 sensor is a real different animal than the C100. All in all, keep testing, and with the 300, centering the scope on a neutral gray card is part of the solution in the posts I've told you to look for. By white balancing to center the neutral gray card, I believe you will remove your magenta cast. That's what I remember. Bottom line, if you are trying to do multi camera shoots and get things to match, use the same camera! No kidding! Good luck!
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Old October 25th, 2015, 01:36 AM   #3
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Re: matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot

thank you Al for your help...I wish I could afford another C100 mk2 for sure!
so..the magenta factor! I will research it. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
well...confession time...I had another shoot today-a a demo for a Tango Ensemble and I used the 4 cameras and I intend to use the best parts from all 4 cameras. With some tweaking I think I can get close...
I may even apply some magic bullet (just a touch) to the final video.
The 70D is the one that looks more different...but I'm mostly happy with the results (I'm a one man video crew!)...since it was a demo I took some extra shots with the C100 -mostly closeups so I have all the action covered I think...
but I will definitely look into the magenta issue with the XF300 and I would like it to match the XF100 a bit better when I videotape stage performances with them (and the C100 sometimes)...

Here is a JPEG that combines stills from the 4 cameras. With some tweaking I might get a good video out of this crazy idea! I may be able to do something with the footage from the 70D...
Canon C100 mark 2, Canon XF300 & XF100, Canon 90D, Sony a6400,Ronin S etc etc
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Old October 25th, 2015, 01:41 AM   #4
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Re: matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot

here is the JPEG!
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matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot-matching-xf-c100-70d-real-life-test.jpg  
Canon C100 mark 2, Canon XF300 & XF100, Canon 90D, Sony a6400,Ronin S etc etc
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Old October 26th, 2015, 09:18 AM   #5
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Re: matching XF100 and XF300 with C100 and 70D for a shoot

It will be interesting to see how much closer you can make them. Looks very good to me, given the differences in the sensors. You can really notice it in your jpeg on the skin tones on the arm. But not sure the client would ever be able to tell, or care.
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