Drop Frame Issues and Capturing with A1
When capturing footage from the A1 using Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, I sometimes get jumps in the video...usually where I have stopped recording and restarted, but sometimes in the middle of a continuous shot. This causes the audio to skip repeatedly and then continues out of sync with the video. Sometimes, the audio skips and gets stuck on a 2 second loop and I have to recapture everything.
I cannot figure out if it is the camera or Premiere having issues. I have witnessed a couple glitches from the camera itself (it misses a few frames and and jumps) even when using the "high quality" HD tape, but the audio stays synced. Has anyone else experienced this?
Back to Premiere, is there anything that could resolve the issue? for example, Cineform? does it have a more robust capturing method than Premiere? If there is a gap, I hate when it doesn't re sync the audio automatically.
Any help is appreciated