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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 12:02 AM   #1
New Boot
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Newbie XL2 User - Galapagos Surf Trip

Hi all,

Finally! ...Today my "Second Hand" XL2 arrived!!

I have been testing all aspects to make sure no obvious problems pop up!

My question: Heading to Galapagos to shoot a surf film and was hoping for any/all advise!

Last year we shot in Ecuador with great results!

My concern is a short learning curve for this setup and if I have all the right gear/accessories with me?

Leaving in a week!!

Better late than never!!!


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Old February 24th, 2007, 10:21 AM   #2
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Surf Trip setup

I'm a bit in the same predicament as I am heading to El Salvador for a surf film--but I have had time to dial in some settings that "I think" work.

Someone has posted a custom preset for Ocean shooting which I have set as Custom Preset 1--I personally like the effect. (if you can't find the settings let me know I'll try and repost or direst you to the link here)

I shoot with a polarizing filter--all the time when shooting the ocean or surf.

For longer shots since I'm taking my Canon 20d I am using the Ef adapter with the 100-400 lens--(absoultely have to tripod mount have no wind to light wind--and will most likley only sparsely use this setup)

Gain setting -3

I just set the white balance to sun--and pretty much let the colors fall where they may (I know there are purist that would disagree but it works for me)

I shoot i at 60i and 16:9 aspect ratio.

I use Panasonic master tape 83 min.

I'm taking the sennheiser EW 100 G2 lavalier setup and a Rode shotgun mike
(Not the best but I am doing a limited amount of interviews so works for me without spending more $)

Also--I am shooting with a tripod Manfrotto 501 with a Canon Ta-100 adapter plate and a Bogen contol arm. I can hand hold and shoot--but after an hour the footage definitley seems to suffer--so I have found that almost all shooting now is done from a tripod.

Another critical factor is baggage-
I looked at a lot of options--and came to this conclusion for myself--

I am using the Lowepro Photo Trekker II backpack(which is carry on legal size)--so that I can carry the backpack on board---it gets tough at the airports carrying a board bag, tripod bag and camera gear.

Taking the battery off and removing the on board mike (which I am not even taking) and removing the viewfinder--I can carry the Xl2 with the 20x all my mikes, EF adapter, cables, 10 tapes, two extra batteries, charger, and my 100-400 lens and all the little extras needed. I use some extra faom in between items so there is less chance ot items getting damaged.

I alos use this backpack setup as my standard carrying setup--the pack offers tremendous support and frees the shoulders and arms for carrying other items.

I am checking my tripod--which I hate to do but really don't have much of a choice.

No matter what your setup --I'd go out and shoot as much as you can before you go to see if there are little things that you will need that you haven't thought of.

By the way--almost all the help I have received was from this site--it's great and the people here are extremely helpful--

Also-- I have thought about doing a surf trip to the Glapagos as well so would be really interested in seeing what you have to say about it when you get back.

Pura Vida!!
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Old February 24th, 2007, 01:09 PM   #3
New Boot
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Thank you so much for a "Foundation" to start my XL2 experience!

This morning I will be heading to the "Lane" for a day of practice shooting, I will log all test shots for review later this evening.

The day is partial overcast, highs of 59deg. with winds approx 15mph (I wont worry about sound today).

Unfortunately no filters came with this rig, so I will shoot naked (Camera, not me) for the first day, I will pick up filters this afternoon.

I would love to locate the ocean custom preset if you have the link!

I have a KATA bag (Came with the package, wish I had a backpack) and dragging my 7-0' in a light padded bag.

I am waiting for my tripod to arrive (Wish I had not waited to the last minute), I ebayed (as well as the XL2!) an AT-6906 3-way fluid tripod with bag.

I will also bring along my Canon ZR600 for difficult access shots, i.e. caves and critters.

I am looking forward to the trip and will report back when I return
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Old February 24th, 2007, 08:00 PM   #4
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Surf trip

Hey good luck on the trip--I had copied the preset to a file on my computer not sure who posted it on this site that should get the credit for it--(but thanks--it works!!)

I know you can download this to the Xl2--but it only takes a few minutes to make the settings manually and then you have them--

There are also some other custom presets on the site that I think are worth copying --a B & W, a technicolor and a documentary (the last two and the ocean are my 3 custom presets that I am using)
I'd just do a search for custom presets

Here is the ocean CP

Main dial on 60i
16:9 mode
AV or M on dial.
-3dB gain
White Balance: on Outdoor sunlight (daylight temperature)
Gamma: Cine
Knee: Low
Black: Press
Color Matrix: Cine
Color gain: +4
Color phase: Middle
R-Gain: +1
G-Gain: Middle
Blue-gain: Middle
V-detail: Normal
Sharpness: +1
Coring: Middle
Setup level: Middle
Master Ped: -1
NR: Off
Skin detail : Off

I'm leaving on trip on the 3rd of March--we'll have to compare notes when we both return--by the way my email address is if you have any other questions.

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Old February 24th, 2007, 09:50 PM   #5
New Boot
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Thanks for everything Ron, I'll tip a cold one your way as I fly overhead!

Happy shooting!

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Old October 11th, 2007, 09:20 PM   #6
New Boot
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Location: La Selva Beach, CA
Posts: 8
Great Trip!!!

Everyone must visit the Galapagos!!

It was overwhelming all the unbelievable footage!!

Here the movie trailer and the website for more info!!!

Movie will be submitted to the San Francisco Oceanic Film Festival 2008
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Old October 13th, 2007, 09:34 AM   #7
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Surf Trip

Hey Congrats Robert on the completion of your film---look forward to seeing more of it!!

Were you shooting your film for distribution or?

Did you shoot with soley the Xl2 and just curious as to what kind of sound setup you went with?

I have been on 3 surf trips this year to el salvador and I'm still not satisfied with my content so most likley will be going back in either November or March of next year--the film is about the ties between some 3rd world local surfers in el Slavador( who are really good) and some american Pro surfers.

Also I'd like to talk to you more about the Galapagos trip--

could you email me at


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