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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old February 9th, 2007, 01:56 PM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Canton, Ohio
Posts: 1,771
Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Yes. It's important to realize that 24P is recorded to tape as a 60i signal -- it has to be -- and therefore it's transparent to the playback device. That is, anything that can handle 1080i60 playback will also be able to show 24P from this camcorder.
So that begs the next question.....is there any software in place that will allow this to be extracted to true 24P? Remember the old days of 24p embedded in DV as 2:3:3:2 pulldown and the software detected this and ignored the extra frames?

I guess I am asking because if I use the HV20 as a "B" camera to my H1 for certain projects, when I capture the footage the software will see the HV20 as 60i (despite the 24P pulldown inside) and the H1 as 24F. In the same Premiere project for example it would be a mess.....unless Premiere (vegas, FCP, Etc.) recognizes the 24P stream in the HV20 .m2v files and extracts true 24 from it. Or maybe Cineform could convert.

Does anyone know if Cineform can convert P2 1080i with embedded 24FPS into a 24P Cinefrom file? If it does then there might be hope for Cineform to do this quickly.

And one more for good measure. Since the HV20 does not use 24F encoding method of the H1, we should in theory, see a significant hit to the encoding quality as the HV20 has to share 25mbit stream with 60 fields versus the H1 only splitting it between 24 frames? right?

Sorry for all the questions...they just keep popping into my empty head as I work!

Marty Hudzik is offline   Reply

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