Quad Core 2.4Ghz vs Core 2 Duo 3.0Ghz - Page 3 at DVinfo.net
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Old August 13th, 2007, 02:25 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Jon McGuffin View Post
I think if you are making a living using your editing machine, then time is money and the Quad Core would *definately* be worthy of an upgrade for the "twice as fast" rendering times alone. If you are a hobbyist or "semi" professional, not sure I would bother upgrading at this point. We're probably not farther than 9-12 months away from a much faster and better Quad Core all the while that much more software at that point taking advantage of it.

I have an E6600 now and if I weren't in the market for a secondary, new system, I wouldn't bother with the Quad yet..
I read somewhere they (45nm intels) are coming in december. I think you better wait for presents under christmas tree ;D. Eventually rumours are flying (was posted on german site gamestar.de) that new AMD quads must be very very good and are expected by the end of the year. And Id wait since the Q's are on 1066 bus.

Tomshardware did great cpu comparison. Check their website for this

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Old August 13th, 2007, 04:08 PM   #32
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Yes, the 45m "presler" is coming out and may be here before December actually... So I think we should wait until then... but wait.. when that time hits, there will be the next CPU, then the next... Let's just never buy a computer again... :)

Two months ago was a bad time to buy a CPU because of what Intel has just done. We are actually at a VERY good point to buy a CPU right now. Prices won't actually change dramatically over the next 3-5 months so your investment is pretty well protected. How would you like to have been one of those guys who dropped $650 - $700 on a Quad Q6600 just two months ago only to see it at $285 today? Yikes.. Those types of radical changes are behind us for now.

I (an AMD fan) don't have much confidence in AMD's ability to actually out dual Intel for a long time. This is unfortunate because AMD is a good company and frankly they are to thank for what we have now from Intel. If you are in the market for a computer, I wouldn't hesitate, this is one of the best times in the past 3-4 years to get the most bang for the buck...

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Old August 14th, 2007, 01:01 PM   #33
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I love amd too, have 3000+ which runs on 2800.
I think you cant say that amd will never win over intels core. As I said those are NEW amd cpus made in 45nm structure. Maybe it will be the same we had as athlon 64 came out, beating pentium prescott (or how was the name) in almost all tests.

Yes, the prices wont drop until the new come. I even reckon they will be more expensieve in a few month. And when new come, they wont lose much in price (i think max $20 for each, and a bit more for higher models). As some experts say 45nmeters will be monsters.
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Old August 14th, 2007, 05:16 PM   #34
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AMD will also be pushing 8 core (octa-core) setups, 2x quad core. These should be fantastic compared to Intel's 8 cores, as Intel will still be stuggling with their fsb limitations. Even at 1333 fsb, eight cores (and currently with 4 cores) will be choking for bandwidth. AMD with their integrated memory controller will again put the boots to Intel's older architecture. It will be A64 vs. P4 all over again. But AMD better hurry their ass as Intel is seling a boat load of chips right now.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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