What do you think about this workflow?
I'm planning to buy a new camera and set up a whole system and workflow.
I was looking for SI-2K route, but that wish will wait for a two or three years. So i deceided to go with Sony EX1, Brevis, Zeiss ZF Optics.......
For me most important is setting up a good workflow from aquisition to final delivery. For me best route is Cineform. For post i'll go with Cineform Prospect and AJA XENA. I plan to use Xena for direct capturing into Cineform via HD-SDI on set, also for monitoring while editing and for hardware HD-SD downconversion. Also i plan to convert native EX1 files into Cineform Intermediate for editing on AJA Xena card. I think this is good low cost workflow for broadcast results. I'll benifit from native full raster CMOS in kamera, best editing and post codec EVER!!! and good hardware downconversion to SD.
My question is, should i expect some problems?
P.S. Sorry for my english...