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Old March 9th, 2011, 09:52 AM   #16
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

Hello Dave,

Thank you for your posts, Also You can use Sony XDCAM Transfer which is a free utility, for importing MXF files into Final Cut, and is available on our website,

As for the MXF workflow, you do have a very compelling argument, I have simply found with certain customers they do not "Trust" third party tools to import there files, but to have the original one recorded correctly so that there is less chance for error. (even if it means copies of the original files)

These tools do work very well and are near seamless, so thus there are many ways to skin a cat :)

Thanks again. and I will keep in mind your suggestions.
Andy Mangrum, Tech Support Convergent Design, Inc
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Old March 9th, 2011, 01:45 PM   #17
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

Dear Dave,

You are 100% correct. Thank you for the correction.

Originally, the NVS2500 did not do a simultaneous copy, but now it does.

Thus, as you said, one must power the NVS2500 on AC Power to do a simultaneous copy, and the transfer time is longer due to the USB 2.0 Interface to the external Hard Disk Drive.

Both the NVS2500 and NVS2525 are wonderful devices.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 9th, 2011, 04:59 PM   #18
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

Dave and Dan - if this is the case with slow down due to external USB port / drive - would it be quicker with a firewire 800 drive / connection?

I just found some new Western Digital "My passport" style drives that have self powered FW800 connection! If this works it will surely be faster? I hope so.

Joachim - yes our situations are so similar! on this shoot we will also be using some gopros and the new(ish) Sony POV mincam. Even though the Sony id a bit better - the codecs don't hold up to much, though I don't really think this is a problem as people expect mini-cam footage to look like it does.

On this production we will have complete control of the footage through in-house edit and grade prior to delivery. I'll definitely see if we can do a pro-rez hard disk delivery as you did - I hadn't thought about the lossy nature of outputting to tape.

I like to create subtle looks in-camera where possible anyway (if it's a self-contained production like this), but there will be a bit of action and I would like my shots of the rich and varied Australian landscape to be as impactful as possible.

I suppose the answer is more colour space is always worth it - hmmmm. I know I'd prefer it but not sure if I can afford it. How much grading did you do to your xdcam ex footage? - that's what I'm most concerened about.

Also - which mount are you using for your nano on the 350?
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Old March 9th, 2011, 07:23 PM   #19
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

As far as I know the Nexto 2500 will only do a simultaneous copy via its esata/usb_host plug, and remember the external drive must be FAT32 formatted.
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Old March 10th, 2011, 03:19 AM   #20
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

I was thinking of Olofīs rig for the Nano.
But I got new from the producer yesterday, they are still trying to come up with the money for a PDW-700.
If they do, I have a very nice second hand unit, for a very good price on hand.

In a way a prefer the 350 for this shoot, due to the low weight and power consumption, but I thin I have a much easier time renting out the 700 later as that has become kind of the new standard for HD broadcast over here.

We didnīt grade for a certain look, it was more to get the most out of the footage and match everything ofcourse. Personally I thought they could have pushed it a bit more as I had set up the EX cameras rather flat to be able to do more in post
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Old March 10th, 2011, 04:08 PM   #21
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

Yeah understand what you're thinking about ease of renting out the 700 vs the 350 - it's the same here in Oz. However, if I can just get another doco series out of the camera after this one, then it's fully paid out (unlike the 800 which I'll be paying for quite some time!), and I can use all my lenses etc on rental 700 bodies if I need them for "mainstream" TV work.

Having used both cameras extensively, the power consumption of a 700/800 is a worry on long form remote/adventure doco work, though the disk workflow is one less headache in the field.

Out of interest, what made you decide to go Olof's rig for the nano? Without having seen either option, I'm not sure why one is better than the other. Have you checked them out or had some advice?
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Old March 10th, 2011, 04:29 PM   #22
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

I just saw a picture of it at or whatever that page is called where they sell the Nano and accessories. It looked good and I followed posts from Olof over the years and seen what he has done so I thought it would be a good one.

The 800 is out of my reach right now, but I have a second hand 700, (with the colour viewfinder and a HJ11 in very good condition) that I can get for a very good price.
Because they will be renting my EX-3 as well (thatīs already been paid it self of a while ago), Iīm close to cover the cost of the camera from what I will get in rent from this one job.
I donīt have any 2/3 lenses and this production calls for a wide angle lens, so I would have to add that to the 350.

Iīm concerne about power consumption, but even if we are in remote locations, we have access to power most of the time.

And of course not having to worry about backing up cards in the field will be nice for a change if we go the 700 route
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Old March 17th, 2011, 08:52 AM   #23
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

Looks like I will end up with a 700 after all.
In a way I want the lighter 350 (or even 500), but I have a better chance of renting the 700 out as it has become the new "standard" over here.

I got a great deal from a place in the UK.
700 with colour viewfinder (30, not 35) and HJ14. should be a very nice set up.

I do wish to thank everyone contributing to the thread as I probably will get a Nano in the future anyway
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Old March 17th, 2011, 06:08 PM   #24
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Re: Pls help with 350 with Nano workflow

Probably the safest option for long term rentals.

I'm hoping to secure enough work in advance with the 350 to go with that, than just rent a 700/800 if a particular job requires it.

Good luck with your series Joachim, keep us posted.
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