trouble with lining video up on Website.... at
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Old May 2nd, 2004, 10:40 AM   #1
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trouble with lining video up on Website....

Hey all. Well I just started up a new production company and the site is up however, I can't seem to get my sample music video to line up correctly with where I created a drop shadow for it. I'm using Frontpage 2003 and created all my pages in Photoshop and then simply made the files imagemaps. I created a new layer for the video file so that I could place it on top of my image map but when you change to different screen resolutions, since my image maps are being centered, the video file isn't following suit. I need to find a way to lock this layer onto the image or another route. Any help would be great guys!

The page I'm trying to line up the video source on is:

Note: if you're desktop is set to 1024, the video should be lined up correctly, otherwise it'll be off.
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 05:22 AM   #2
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As underdeveloped as my HTML skills are, mine is likely to be the least informed guess you'll get but it is that you'll have to pick a resolution to go with, like 1024. My own poorly executed site is fixed at 800 and centred so that users with higher resolutions get it surrounded by solid colour, and those on 640, if there are any left, get scroll bars.

David Hurdon
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 08:40 AM   #3
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Hmmmm, well if you check out a site like Marty Martin's Imagen Films ( his music video that is posted seems to stay anchored in place no matter what size the page is. Bah, I'm so close to having my site "Complete" it's just this last snag....
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 09:04 AM   #4
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His source code reveals a table width of 418, with cells within at 414 on the splash screen. If that means what I think it does he and I have done the same thing - namely locked the presentation size, with a solid colour (background-color: #000000) on either side. The solid colour expands and contracts with the screen resolution of visitors but the width remains constant. Naturally that would make it float in the centre of a lot of black with say 1600 X 1200 screen res, and occupy most of the space with a 640 X480 setting. On other pages he has chosen different widths, as for example the demo page where he's got a 758 wide image aligned left, so that the extra screen space displays as solid blue-grey in this case, on the right. As I acknowledged in my first post I could be well out in left field here, or right on and still not addressing your specific problem.

David Hurdon
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 09:31 AM   #5
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I think what this shows is my utter lack of knowledge when it comes to the nitty gritty of a webpage. I got by cutting corners with my site EXCEPT now that I need to post a video file in a specified region and not have it move. I think I'm going to have to setup that page a bit differently. Thanks David.
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 10:16 AM   #6
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Bryan, the problem is that the layer containing the Quicktime has an absolute positioning while the background table is centered. This means that the QuickTime layer will always be set at 150px to the left but your background will always center to the existing width of the user's browser window. So you should position your background absolutely.
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 12:28 PM   #7
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Ah, Keith - why is it always the obvious things that are the toughest. Thanks alot man. -Bryan.
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Old May 3rd, 2004, 12:55 PM   #8
Air China Pilot
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Actually, there is a way to have both your video and your background continue to center to the user's browser (which you may have done as a stylistic decision). Put your background in a layer that is centered. Then have your video positioned relatively but nested within that layer. So both should center but the video will be a set number of pixels from the left edge of the main layer.
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