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Final Cut Pro X
The latest version of FCP from Apple.

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 01:26 PM   #106
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

I just saw a share command which allows me to send to CNN iReport.??? What?? I guess CNN paid Apple for that privildege. So did Vimeo, You Tube, etc.

I just can't see how Apple could leave out XML, AAF, or OMF exporting functions but add CNN iReport sharing.

EDIT: My co-worker and I are here laughing at the irony of "new" vs. "old" editing paradigms. Avid and Premiere are often maligned as being old looking in the interface. I've seen a lot of posts by people on this forum and others begging for a "more up to date" and "new" model for editing. So Apple just gave everyone a new model for editing< for what I assume< without doing ergonomic tests with Professional editors. So, Apple listened and gave us a new interface. But, the interface is only part of the process. Avid has had the same interface for decades. It might be old,,but it is proven. It is what is under the hood that counts. And when they teach post production on Avids at schools like USC...there is a solid base of knowledge to work from. Predictability,, yes.

So, Apple just gave everyone what they were asking for. A new interface.

This also reminds us of New Coke...which failed horribly in the 1980's. Maybe they will come back with Final Cut Pro Classic!!!
David Parks: DP/Editor: Jacobs Aerospace at NASA Johnson Space Center
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 01:41 PM   #107
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

An export function for CNN iReport? Guess there are a lot of "citizen journalists" out there, heh heh.

I want to try FCP X before I go on the record crying foul, or saying it's the greatest thing, or somewhere in the middle. I don't want to be criticizing it too heavily until I actually try it out. Sure, it's missing some important features that many use, and of course there are others who don't use them.

But before I go too far, I want to at least give it a shot, even if it's on a Mac at an Apple Store.

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 02:15 PM   #108
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Didn't Apple themselves say it was "not ready for professional use" before it even came out? And what is the overwhelming comment by people? "THIS IS NOT PROFESSIONAL!"

People are so strange.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 02:23 PM   #109
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

When did Apple say it isn't for professional use? I know Larry Jordan said something like that, then took it back recently.

Apple's press release also states:

AppleŽ today announced Final Cut ProŽ X, a revolutionary new version of the world’s most popular Pro video editing software... “Final Cut Pro X is the biggest advance in Pro video editing since the original Final Cut Pro,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:05 PM   #110
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

My bad then. . .guess I got mixed up.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:07 PM   #111
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Well, some would agree with you, I suppose. I like that Larry called his article "Wiping Egg Off My Face."

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:09 PM   #112
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Originally Posted by David Parks View Post
"Today"..let's see today i have a multicam edit to finish by 3:00 pm
Today I have to re-edit a STS 134 project from last April
Today I have to round trip a project to AE

Today is the real world...with real deadlines and real money and expectations.

Don't mean to be terse...use what works for you,,but it is hard to look to tomorrow when you have things to do today. But, again...today... FCP X is rating at 2 1/2 stars on reviews on Apple Store.

Cheers,,,If FCPX knocks my socks off tomorrow..I will buy it. But today...no way.
David, I'm in the same boat. We have about a dozen open projects going right now. I would never have expected to move them into what was obviously a brand new editing paradigm if every pro feature were available - that would be crazy.

I can't imagine that anyone would be expecting to use "today" a piece of software that is literally 24 hours old. WE all have to take responsibility for our work and Apple let everyone know loud and clear with big pictures that you would be learning new software from day one.

Why would you be thinking of editing todays professional work on a system that would take days to learn at the very least?
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:11 PM   #113
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

David Pogue's mostly positive review:


Hat tip to Digital Rebellion's Jon Chappell for tweeting the link, then re-tweeting someone else's link to Pogue's negative review of iMovie '08, which essentially p.o.'d iMovie users, until the latest version righted the wrongs:

Apple Takes a Step Back With iMovie '08 - NYTimes.com

So, I guess Pogue likes FCP X enough to justify all the changes, from UI on down.

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:12 PM   #114
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Good podcast here from Rich Harrington and Walter Biscardi on FCP X and their impressions of using it (or not) in a professional environment.

Why We Can't Use Final Cut Pro X at Our Companies : Final Cut Help Tutorials Podcast
Barry Gribble
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:13 PM   #115
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Originally Posted by David Parks View Post
I just saw a share command which allows me to send to CNN iReport.??? What?? I guess CNN paid Apple for that privildege. So did Vimeo, You Tube, etc.

I just can't see how Apple could leave out XML, AAF, or OMF exporting functions but add CNN iReport sharing.

EDIT: My co-worker and I are here laughing at the irony of "new" vs. "old" editing paradigms. Avid and Premiere are often maligned as being old looking in the interface. I've seen a lot of posts by people on this forum and others begging for a "more up to date" and "new" model for editing. So Apple just gave everyone a new model for editing< for what I assume< without doing ergonomic tests with Professional editors. So, Apple listened and gave us a new interface. But, the interface is only part of the process. Avid has had the same interface for decades. It might be old,,but it is proven. It is what is under the hood that counts. And when they teach post production on Avids at schools like USC...there is a solid base of knowledge to work from. Predictability,, yes.

So, Apple just gave everyone what they were asking for. A new interface.

This also reminds us of New Coke...which failed horribly in the 1980's. Maybe they will come back with Final Cut Pro Classic!!!
No offense David but that is patently false. Apple spent several years and millions of dollars to build an entire new 64 bit architecture. The GUI is simply the skin over an entirely newly coded product built on an entire new media system. Complaining about what they haven't implemented so far is reasonable but to purport what you did is simply untrue and misleading on a user forum.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:22 PM   #116
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Many, many film schools are teaching Final Cut Pro over Avid these days, or do a combination of FCP, Avid and Premiere Pro. To be fair, I've heard one or two schools teach Vegas Pro.

At any rate, here's something to chew on, as I did with a recent Google search of reactions to Apple announcing Final Cut Studio 2009 (v. 3) and FCP 7... many users were unhappy that Apple didn't update it to 64-bit or add any significant new features, which was true. Now, users are unhappy with the changed interface, missing pro features, etc. Apple can't win, heh heh.

Check out the old thread (you'll need to go through a couple of pages to find thoughts and reviews): http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/final-cu...ced-today.html

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:31 PM   #117
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Originally Posted by Jim Giberti View Post
Why would you be thinking of editing todays professional work on a system that would take days to learn at the very least?
Just the same as why would anyone, circa 2004-06, buy an HD camera and start shooting paid projects immediately, without taking a day or two to get used to it? Back then, many of us went from fullscreen DV to widescreen HD, and it was quite the change, with everything from framing to focus, etc.

I just started thinking about current and upcoming side video gigs for me, and it seems I'd have to keep using FCP 7 for most of one client's projects, since he usually likes to just do small updates to his TV commercials and web videos, and maybe FCP X for a couple of future corporate videos with my other client. I could see this getting a bit, shall I say, schizophrenic?

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:34 PM   #118
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store


Indeed - FCP7 was a wildly minimal upgrade and people were rightfully disappointed with it. And for a company that makes the hardware AND the software, it was ridiculous that they couldn't make their own software take advantage of their own 64-bit architecture. Likewise ridiculous that they couldn't make it take advantage of all the cores of a computer.

But at least they didn't take away functionality that was crucial to a professional work environment. You would have heard more complaints if so.

The reason they didn't update FCP7 to 64-bit, of course, is that they were working on FCPX and planning on only going to 64-bit with a major upgrade. But they made the decision that it was going to be be a prosumer product and not a professional one.
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:43 PM   #119
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

You're absolutely right, Barry! I guess all the rumors we heard about it being like an "iMovie pro" (going back to 2010) may have been a little closer to reality than we thought. You'll recall that Apple had to put out an official press release, and Steve Jobs himself said in an email that it would be "awesome." In fact, both Jobs and Apple said it.

I don't want to comment anymore on FCP X until I can at least sit down for 20 minutes with it, which I might do tonight at my local Apple Store.

I guess I just wanted to point out how Apple got flak for FCP 7 and now for FCP X.

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 03:49 PM   #120
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

You're righ Jim. Apple did more than just develop a new interface. But 64 bit architectures alone don't functionally help me open older past projects, perform multicam editing, export to Pro Tools, share project files with After Effects, work with broadcast monitors and I/O cards,,,functions that FCP 6 and 7 had and FCP X currently nixed.

We've been messing with FCP X here for a 1/2 day now,,,and the bottom line opinion of me, my co-worker, an editor friend across town at a large post facility called Texas Video and Post agree that FCP X is not ready for professional post production. Too many things missing that affect the entire workflow for our group.

So far, the magnetic timeline is cool (Edius already has it) and I like the audition feature and I;m still getting used to the iMovie feel. But, I just will not be able to use it for my particular projects.

I may have gone a little overboard with the interface statements and musings earlier about FCP X and New Coke...but I don't have the power to mislead anyone here. You guys are on your own and certainly entitled to your own opinions.


Heath..You're right they do teach FCP 7 in more schools than Avid,,,which is why I am more puzzled about the direction Apple is taking overall towards professional post.

Case in point: Apple has nixed : Shake, DVD Studio Pro, Color, Cinema Tools, Sound Track Pro, FCP 7, never really had Blu ray authoring and nixed it's own X-serve. Plus no XML interchange which has become an industry standard protocol.

But come on,,,send to CNN iReport...I mean any pro editor is going to laugh at that!!
David Parks: DP/Editor: Jacobs Aerospace at NASA Johnson Space Center
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