FCP 6 Replacing Original Footage with Identical Length yet Modified Footage at DVinfo.net
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Old November 12th, 2007, 04:22 PM   #1
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FCP 6 Replacing Original Footage with Identical Length yet Modified Footage

I have 1080P 24P footage that is 2 mins, 34 seconds and 8 frames long. I want to replace that original footage with footage that I've modified in After Effects and changed the visuals a bit - maybe colour correct, etc. Anyhow, I export from After Effects and the footage is exactly the same format, exactly the same length of time. How do I replace the original which has been heavily cut up and used in various lengths throughout the project? I want it to be seemless and 'drop in' without having to be recut? I have to do this many times, so, I need to find a solution!

Thanks so much!
Mac + Canon HV20

Last edited by Robert Ducon; November 12th, 2007 at 04:22 PM. Reason: I just made sure it notified me via e-mail when I get a reply..
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Old November 12th, 2007, 05:03 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
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Have you already done the modifications in After Effects?

If so, you can right-click or CTRL-click the original clip in your FCP bin and "reconnect media." Turn of the "match exact name" option and then point it to the new file and "choose."

The simple way to do this to just an edited clip is to open your system settings, click on the External Editors tab, and assign After Effects as the external editor for video files. Then, if there is ever a small thing you want to fix up on a video file just right-click or CTRL-click on the clip and select "Open in Editor." AE will automatically launch and open hopefully import the clip. Create a new comp based on the clip settings (frame rate, dimensions, codec, etc.), do your modifications and then make a movie. When you go back into FCP it should automatically ask you to relink just for that particular clip.
Tim Dashwood
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