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Final Cut Suite
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Old November 26th, 2007, 02:20 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Silver Spring, MD
Posts: 24
Syncing Audio with Video

I shot some footage, but recorded the audio separately (don't ask - long story). Now I have about 50 clips where I need to combine the video and audio, and then I need to cut those clips (4 different scenes) into a useable final product. I'm new to Final Cut (coming from Sony Vegas), so I'm not sure the most efficient way to do this. Any suggestions? Obviously, I need to sync all the video and audio to determine best takes and what is usable. But do I create separate bins or sequences for each scene? When I want to cut the final scene footage, where do I cut it? Help!!

And thanks in advance.
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Old November 26th, 2007, 06:11 AM   #2
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I would create separate bins for each Scene, then within those bins, another bin for each Shot. I would then trim and sync the takes on the timeline and create a "sub clip" for each take, storing it in the appropriate bin. I think that's the easiest way to do it?

Might be worth a look:
Chris Hocking is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 26th, 2007, 06:30 AM   #3
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I'd create a separate sequence for each scene. Select all your video clips for each scene and drag them on to the corresponding timeline and then sync your audio.

When you've got everything in sync I'd duplicate the timeline and do a rough assembly of each scene by copy and pasting or using the move tools. Then simply trim as normal.

I hope you used a clapper board!
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Old November 28th, 2007, 01:49 PM   #4
New Boot
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Posts: 24
Thanks Chris and Liam. I was on the right track. Definitely had a slate. It would be even worse without it. Thanks again.
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Old November 28th, 2007, 10:06 PM   #5
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FCP is just like any other NLE, so organize as you see best. I'd make a work TL to use for syncing. I'd drop all the V clips down, then find each audio clip, lock it up, lock the A and V together ( select both clips, command L ) and then drag the newly locked clip pair into a bin labeled SYNC, as opposed to bins hold unsync'd A and V. once its locked up, drag each sync'd clip in as you need it. I'd use one TL to cut the whole thing. just making extra work to cut each scene in its own TL, and more things to go wrong with extra renders.
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Old December 28th, 2008, 08:58 PM   #6
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The best way that I have found is open the video and find the clap and add an in, then open the audio and go through the waveform to find the clap and add an in point. In the browser select both clips and control click, then 'merge' - choose the option to merge via in points.

Then you have a new master clip with the audio and video synced - is the easiest and fastest way to do it and isn't as messy as laying down all your clips on one timeline.
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