How to correct shutter speed judder in FCE? at
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Old October 13th, 2008, 01:24 PM   #1
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Posts: 27
How to correct shutter speed judder in FCE?

Hi All,

I recently shot an ENG project on my Z7 - DV Cam - PAL - 25p Scan - with the shutter speed mistakenly set to 25 (I had never used this and should have done the reading first but set it so match the frame rate).

I delivered the project to my client who are viewing it on a PAL monitor and they claim to be experiencing judder in the image.

I have exhausted the possibility that the judder was the result of an field dominance or format issue.

The judder isn't apparent while cutting in FCE on my MacBook Pro 2.5GHz with the canvas at 100% and I don't have access to a PAL monitor.

I am conviced the judder is a result of having used the slow shutter speed. How can I smooth this out or make it appear as though it was shot at double the shutter speed in FCE and salvage the project?
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Old October 20th, 2008, 01:21 AM   #2
Regular Crew
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 27
I worked out a solution that has managed to compensate for most of the motion judder I experienced from mistakenly shooting with the shutter at 1/25s.

It didn't resolve everything perfectly as a few motion artifacts remained but nothing that couldn't be cut around.

Here is the workflow:

-cut the motion speed to 50% clip by clip (i did not test with more compensating ratios as this one seemed to do it straight away)
-export using quicktime converstion/QT Movie
-Compression Type: DV-PAL
-Frame Rate: 50fps
-Sound settings standard
-Export - This takes processing time.
-Import the file in the project's browser
-Open a new sequence and drag the file to it.
-Increase the motion of the clip 200%
-Export QT Conversion/H264...Frame Rate 25fps.

Frame blending rescue.

Anyone got a better rescue?
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