Jagged text if Motion file at 25p, not jagged if at 24P (XDCAM project) - confused! at DVinfo.net
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Old June 7th, 2009, 04:06 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: London, UK
Posts: 3
Jagged text if Motion file at 25p, not jagged if at 24P (XDCAM project) - confused!

Hi guys I really hope some of you have encountered this problem as I'm totally confused!

My footage is XDCAM EX 1080i50. sequence settings are the standard: 1920 x 1080, square, 25 frames, except i change the compressor to prores 422 and my field dominance to none as i'm editing for the web only.

Right here comes the problem. I create a Motion file with these settings:

xdcam hd 1080p25 preset, go to view menu to make sure render is set to best, then create my title page in motion. save, exit, bring file into my xdcam project in fcp.

i zoom in to 100% to check the quality and it is all jagged like this:

see pic:

Imageshack - textprog.jpg

i export and its the same issue.

I tried changing the sequence field dominance to upper and all of a sudden the quality is superb.

Imageshack - upperc.jpg

I would have stuck with this and simply applied the nattresse deinterlacer to my video clips as I just need it to look good. However this project also has a tiff logo from the client flying across the screen at one point (animated in final cut simply with the centre parameters so it enters the screen from the left and exits on the right), but with the sequence set to upper i get the combing effect and it looks terrible!

e.g. the effect as seen in this pic


so I set my field dominance back to none to get rid of the combing, but of course the motion file is terrible again.

HOWEVER, experimenting, i set my Motion file preset to xdcam hd 1080p24, made my title and brought it into final cut and guess what. the quality is fantastic! right next to each other i have a motion file with the preset of 25p and this one of 24p and the difference is exactly as those 2 pics above, the 24 = clean, the 25 = jagged.

what is happening?! i've also just tried after effects to see if it was a Motion bug or something, setting my composition to be 25 frames and exporting as a movie and it ALSO looks bad, but if i set it to 24 frames and export as a quicktime and bring into final cut it looks good. so its not just a motion thing!

Huh? What's the obvious thing I'm missing?

And if you don't have an answer to that, seeing as only 24p is working at the moment is it fine if i use it in my 25fps sequence or should i convert it to 25p through compressor or episode pro?

Plus back to this combing thing. this project is progressive so I'm not worried, but I might need to have something flying across the screen in the future on an interlaced project, so how would i get rid of the combing? Is there a filter or something?

Thanks a lot if anyone can help
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