FCP 7 - Insufficient Content For Edit at DVinfo.net
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Old September 21st, 2009, 03:53 PM   #1
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FCP 7 - Insufficient Content For Edit

To start, I'm relatively new to Final Cut Pro 7 and working in a NLE environment.


Recently when I try to superimpose a clip over another layer of video I get an "insufficient content for edit" pop-up warning. What does this mean exactly? And what's the quickest way to prevent it/get around it?

When I looked it up on the web, it said that it had something to do with 'handles'. What does this mean in layman's terms?



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Old September 21st, 2009, 04:24 PM   #2
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Handles is just another term for footage beyond your in and out point.

Think about wrapping a present but not having enough wrapping paper... Your present isn't going to be completely wrapped.

When you using a transition like a dissolve between two edit points, you MUST have footage to make the transition or shift the transition starting and end point.

When I run into this problem, I usually control click on the transition on the edit point to shift it to starting or ending on cut. This will use what footage is available.

If you're more specific on which transition you are attempting we can help further.

If it's just a clip with transparency your two sources must match in duration (being the same length).

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Old September 21st, 2009, 04:29 PM   #3
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Welcome to the forums, Greg.

"Handles" refers to extra content in front of and behind the selected areas - or in and out points - for your edit.

If you're trying to superimpose over another clip and you're getting that warning it's because:

A: The two clips don't match in total length - one doesn't have large enough "handles" to accommodate the edit;

B: You have unseen blank space between the current and previous edit which can confuse the "superimpose" command (this is common if your timeline is too compressed not allowing you to see what could be even just a few frames of open space between edits)

Hope this helps.
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Old September 24th, 2009, 08:36 AM   #4
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It means the duration of the clip marked with in /out on the timeline is greater than the duration marked by in/out on the clip.. Clear Out on the timeline will solve it.
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