Medea SCSI HD causing capture problem in FCP HD at
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Old October 24th, 2005, 04:04 AM   #1
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Medea SCSI HD causing capture problem in FCP HD

This is my system:

G5 2.5GHz
2x 120GB internal SATA
Medea 1.2TB external SCSI HD
ATTO ExpressPCI UL4D SCSI card
AJA KONA LS capture card
FCP 4.5 HD
OSX 10.3.9

My problem started when I wanted to capture 10-bit uncompressed to the SCSI HD. The capture screen would freeze on random frames, and I have to Force Quit it. So I captured a small portion (I stoped before it froze), and tried to play that video on the timeline. I had a horrible drop frames, and error msg saying that my HD is not fast enough to play 10-bit.

So I did a speed check for the SCSI HD (with KONA speed check utility), and got a result of: 10 MB/s for reading writting! So I updated all software and hardware (including SCSI card). Did the speed test again, and the result was: 170MB/s Write, 120MB/s Read. I know I could get better results (up to 200MB/s), but I'm happy with that so far.

Now, I tried to capture DV footage to the SCSI HD, and I'm facing the same problem! The Capture Screen would freeze in random places, causing FCP to freeze, and I have to Force Quit the program.

In the speed test, I graphed the results. The speed was constant around 170MB/s, but there was a sharp spike (1 frame long), where the speed drops down to 40 MB/s. I know that 40MB/s is still fast enough for DV, but do you think that's what causing the problem?

By the way, when I capture to the 2nd internal SATA HD, I face no problems whatsoever (even at DVCPRO50 compression). It only happens with the SCSI HD.

I wanna know if the problem is caused by "SCSI card, SCSI HD, or FCP", before I start contacting the companies.
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Old November 3rd, 2005, 02:39 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Kuwait, Kuwait
Posts: 100
problem solved

it turned out to be a Heat problem. I guess the room wasn't cold enough (i'm running 2 machines, SCSI HD, and bunch of other devices). When a SCSI HD starts heating up, it will starting giving problems. So I froze my room, and now everything is working fine.
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