HD 720/24p footage .m2t problem. Please Help!!! at DVinfo.net
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Old September 10th, 2007, 05:22 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Attleboro, AM
Posts: 14
HD 720/24p footage .m2t problem. Please Help!!!

I posted up two problems I had last week and found the answer to one of them. I did type a lot below because I wanted to be very clear with the problem and have all the details right.

The details:

I am using for the first time a JVC HD-110U and I recorded to a 40GB FireStore FS-4. I also for backup recorded to a Panasonic AY-DVM63PQ Professional Mini DV tape. I was told that you can record HDV to a mini DV tape and do not necessarily need the HD tapes.

My settings on the camera were HDV 720/24p. I confirmed that the hard drive was recording HDV 720/24p by seeing on the display screen while recording.

I am still having the same problem with capturing with tape to Avid and I will save that issue for later.

Avid does not support the .m2t file format and this hard drive does not support quicktime. So I wanted to bring the footage into Sony Vegas 5.0 which I have used in the past for standard MiniDV.

Vegas 5.0 does not support HD but in the session properties, I am able to choose all different formats of HDV from 720, 1080/24p, 30p and 60p. So I am confused in that if Vegas does not take HDV, why does it give me those options. So I tried to import the footage and it does in deed bring it in.


While bringing in the footage into Vegas I first noticed that the footage is played at a much faster speed and the audio is left at normal. I checked the HDV files and saw that the footage is not 720/24p but 720/60p. This is where I went back to the camera and hard drive, checked ALL of my settings and everything was in 720/24p. I took some quick footage making sure I was in those settings but the files still ended up 720/60p.

Is this why the footage is playing at a much faster speed?

Why is it recording to the hard drive at 720/60p?

I opened up a new session and set it to 720/60p, then imported a file. It still played at the same fast rate of speed.

Now with the MiniDV tape, I can’t capture with Vegas because this version does not “support” HDV. I primarily use Avid so there was no reason before to pay all the money in upgrading the software. But since I am having the other problem with Avid, I resorted to using Vegas.

If you would like to see my problem I posted with Avid, you can see it here:


If any of you have any ideas on what I should do, please let me know. I have good footage on tape and I have previewed the footage on the hard drive by just playing the footage off of the drive. It is all good. I just need to capture this and start editing.

Please help if you can.

Last edited by Michael Vallier; September 10th, 2007 at 06:59 AM.
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Old September 30th, 2007, 09:30 AM   #2
New Boot
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Attleboro, AM
Posts: 14
Still Need Help please!!!

I Still Need Help If Any One Can!!!
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