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JVC GY-HD Series Camera Systems
GY-HD 100 & 200 series ProHD HDV camcorders & decks.

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Old October 9th, 2007, 10:49 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Filming Kung Fu promo.


I'm this weekend set to shoot a few segments for a kung fu promo video (specifically to promote various martial arts clubs around the uk...if it turns out well enough) and really enquiring as to any tips or experience

Never having the requirement to shoot HDV on this camera (for various reasons), for this project I will be using this format. The usual dropped frames/clips are evident (I'm phoning JVC this week to enquire as to the UK firmware upgrade) but the tests so far are looking pretty good.
Unfortunately I've been a little out of the loop on this forum for a while so have missed (if any) updates on the 'infamous' JVC/FCP issue, otherwise I'll head down the DVHS cap route.

I'd like to add a little slow motion footage within this video - primarily for the subjects walking rather than the full on fight scenes (although I'll see how that turns out). I'll shoot this in HDV SD50p and a couple of questions on that front:

* (I can't recall and the search didn't bring up a quick answer) Do I need to look out for anything when dropping in this HDV SD50 footage into the HDV 720p25 sequence?

* Keep the shutter at 1/50 in the SD50 format? As I'll be experimenting anyway, I'll try a higher shutter speed a la Saving Private Ryan/28 days later for a couple of scenes (which may or may not look 'bobbins').

We're heading out to a local forest/beauty spot and hopefully catch the trees at the right time in the 'autumnal equinox' along the lines of the film 'Hero'.
I'll shoot some handheld - again never having shot this way in HDV, I'm guessing by following the action the judder/temporal resolution issue shouldn't be much of an issue?
Other shots will be straight, locked shots zoomed in from way back to achieve a good depth of field (an adapter in one of many things on my wish list!) - one of the scenes is taking place on cliff edge hundreds of feet above a plain (all safe I'll add :) ). And for others using a fluid tripod for a controlled hand held look.

As for scene files, I'm looking at something which will pick out those autumn colours and add a little cinematic appearance to the footage - Tim's Amelie (warm green) & Bleach Bypass (for one particular scene possibly) & Paulo's True Colour V3 spring to mind.

Fortunately, the choreography is pretty much taken care of.
If anyone has had experience in this type of project I'd really appreciate your opinions.

Many thanks.
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