Matrox RTx2 software download problem. at
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Old July 31st, 2010, 05:44 AM   #1
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Matrox RTx2 software download problem.

I'm trying to install an RTx2 to use with CS4 V4.2.1 but I am having trouble downloading the tools software from the Matrox site. I have tried their forum and the problem is noted but there doesn't seem to be a solution. The software is in the form of 4 large files that should be reassembled once they are downloaded but the reassembly fails due to incomplete file. I have tried a number of times but no success.

Is there anyone here that has had, or better still has solved, this problem.
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Old July 31st, 2010, 06:53 AM   #2
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There are some detailed instruction on the download page on the Matrox site that MUST be followed if the four downloaded files are to be assembled into the single driver file.

I have never had a problem myself, even when I haver not followed these instructions to the letter, but there are many reports on the Matrox RTX2 forums from others who have met problems.

I assume that you are after one of the drivers for CS4? If so, if all else fails I can make you a working DVD and post it to you.
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Old July 31st, 2010, 07:21 AM   #3
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Hi Alan. Thanks for your response.

The disc that I got with the RTX2 is for CS3. I am running CS4 v4.2.1. I have been on the Matrox download site and selected V4.2.1 Full DVD (I don't have any version of Matrox software on the PC) I have followed the instructions exactly as set out in the red box on the Matrox download page, waited almost 9 hours for the 4 files to download and ran the .bat file. It is supposed to unzip the downloads and reassemble them into the contents of the DVD but it halts with an error message. I have tried it 3 (long) times now and I'm convinced that I'm doing everything to the letter but with no luck.
I have been on the Matrox forum and Googled and found as you did that others report the same or similar problem, but I couldn't find any useful answer in any of the posts I read.

I am now in the process of downloading V4.2 of the Matrox tools and will try that. If that works I'll then try to get the V4.2.1 updater. If that fails then a copy of your DVD would be most appreciated. If it comes to that I'll pm you with my address if I may.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 02:20 AM   #4
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You have checked that the .001 split file does not have extension to it? It should not have, but apparently it is not unknown for it to be saved as

The other key factor is adding the Matrox website to your list of trusted sites. From what people say, if you do not do this with Vista or Windows 7, the files will download, but will be corrupt.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 04:23 AM   #5
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The files all download without any .file extension, just as they are on the website i.e. rtx2_421.001. I have put the site in the trusted zone in IE and I've also tried using Firefox and also using a different computer. I'm using XP Pro with SP3 and also Vista with SP2.
I downloaded V4.1 and 4.2 but still exactly the same.

When I run the .bat file it reports "Recreating the original file from the pieces" and copies three files
"Operation completed successfully" and creates a .zip file that is 2.86GB (the same total as the original 3 files)

When I try to extract from the zip file I get the Warning "Either multipart or corrupt Zip archive"
If I just open it there is all of the contents that are on the V3 disc that I have except there is no Mx tools folder. The RTxSetup icon is a DOS type icon (ie not the red Matrox logo)
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Old August 1st, 2010, 07:31 AM   #6
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For me, the assembled is 2.86GB, and the extracted RTX2_421 Folder is 3.03 GB, and contains 21 Folders and 212 files.

The RTX folder contains an X Tools folder and the Matrox executable is the usual red icon.
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