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Michel Barbuto June 1st, 2009 01:43 AM

I can be interested. Can you post some photos ?

Justin Kifer June 1st, 2009 05:44 AM

The Matrox RT.X2 + Breakout Box is Sold. We still have a copy of Adobe Production Studio CS3 available for anyone interested.

Paul Cronin June 1st, 2009 05:49 AM

Still interested Nick?

It is not sold yet. I had a trade deal going but was not comfortable with the deal.

Let me know today if you can since two others have expressed interest.

Randy Panado June 1st, 2009 06:07 AM

Care to sell the large battery Jeff?


Brian Murphy June 1st, 2009 06:29 AM

I will take it all. Sent you an email.

Daniel Rudd June 1st, 2009 09:00 AM

glidecam 1000
Hey Justin,

I used it succesfully with a vx1000 back in the day, and according to the article below, they are the same weight 3.1 lbs.
Sony's VX-2000 and PD-150 - Camera Corner Review by Steve Smith - The Digital Journalist

According to this article, the glidecam 1000 is recommended for camcorders up to 5.5 lbs (I've also heard 6 lbs).
Glidecam Articles and Reviews

Daniel Rudd June 1st, 2009 09:01 AM

original post correction
Sorry, I mistakenly provided a link to the Glidecam 4000 (which is now sold) for pics and details.
Here is the correct link:

Glidecam 1000 with body pod

Daniel Rudd June 1st, 2009 09:02 AM

This item is sold, thank you.

Jack Walker June 1st, 2009 09:39 AM

Still looking, just missed the one that went on sale this morning.

John Okafor June 1st, 2009 09:39 AM

I don't know what these monopods look like. Is it too much to ask for pictures? I don't care if it looks like new or not. Does it come with fluid head or do I need to buy one. I just need one that I can start using right away. I'm a newbie.

Jeff Harper June 1st, 2009 09:40 AM

Camera is no longer available.

Daniel Rudd June 1st, 2009 09:40 AM

Alright, I'm willing to consider offers on items separately.

Jon Omiatek June 1st, 2009 02:00 PM

I have a VX2100 I will sell for $1000 if you're interested email me.


Jon Omiatek
jon AT omiatek Dot com

Jon Omiatek June 1st, 2009 02:04 PM

Sennheiser G2 Wireless - C Band
$300 + Shipping + 2.9% if you use paypal
Sennheiser G2 100 wireless - C Band
Original Box
Transmitter and Receiver
XLR Cable
Lav Microphone
Camera Mount


Jon Omiatek
jon AT omiatek.com

Jon Omiatek June 1st, 2009 02:05 PM

Bogen 501 Head and Tripod
Bogen 501 Head and Tripod. Excellent Condition, $150 plus shipping.

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