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Philip Howells September 19th, 2009 06:24 PM


Thanks for the offer. What time will you be at Manchester Airport and which terminal? email me at philip@phpweddings.co.uk


Sorry for the confusion - your message appeared beneath another regarding a Portabrace for a V1. If Gabor's suggestion doesn't appear to be what we're looing for may I come back to you?

Best regards


Darin Clifton September 19th, 2009 07:56 PM

hi Jack !
No problem Ken - I'll provide the ransom for this hijack for the low price of $2775 !!

Any "non-camera" hostages need a good one ??

John Sconiers September 19th, 2009 08:35 PM

7200 rpm drive, ~2700, best reasonable offer

Bill Rankin September 19th, 2009 08:38 PM

I have a gently used PD 170 that I would consider selling. Are you looking only for a camera? Or do you want accessories too? Email me at bill dot rankin at sbcglobal dot net.

Tabb Firchau September 19th, 2009 11:47 PM

WTB Sony EX1
Title says it all,

Let me know what you got.



Webb Pickersgill September 20th, 2009 12:29 AM

Bump. This camera package is still for sale. I'll consider an offer for $2000.

Gabor Heeres September 20th, 2009 03:10 AM


Sent you an email.


Charles Mabry September 20th, 2009 05:44 AM

no problem, I assumed that must have happened. Just let me know if i can help

Paul Cronin September 20th, 2009 07:40 AM

Tabb I am looking at selling my EX1 and buying a EX3 but it will not be for 2-4 weeks.

John Dewey September 20th, 2009 09:04 AM

Bump for a great mixer at a great price. I'm open to offers, so email me at:

hammerhorror AT sbcglobal DOT net


John Dewey September 20th, 2009 09:06 AM

Bump for lower price
How about $300.00 w/ FREE shipping within the USA?

Email me at: hammerhorror AT sbcglobal DOT net


Tim Snyder September 20th, 2009 09:56 AM

Petrol PEGZ-3 - SOLD

Rolls MX422 4 Channel Pro Field Mixer $350 - REDUCED!!

Tim Snyder September 20th, 2009 09:57 AM

LOWERED TO $450!! Want to sell ASAP!

Bob Hart September 20th, 2009 11:00 AM

Expression of interest mini35-400. 2 units.
Steve Rice is considering selling his Mini35-400 with JVC GY-HD100 relay lens, mount and battery receiver. He has moved on to the SI2K. He is working up a movie project and kitting for 3D so needs to liquidate some goods.

I am also considering likewise for the same reasons. The second Mini35-400 has the JVC relay, mount and battery receiver, also Sony HVR-Z1 relay, mount and battery receiver.

I also built a home-made hack with Century lens for the Sony PMW-EX1. This consists of a Century Optics 58mm 4+ achromatic dioptre in custom concentric 77mm to 58mm stepdown ring. The well known corner softness issues inherent to the EX1 in 35mm relay are apparent. The 35mm adaptor manufacturers provide a special achromat for this camera.

The special relay lens kit for the EX1 available from P+S Technik is needed for best results. The Sony Z1 base mount and battery pack work for the EX1. The Sony 7.2v batteries are required for the EX1 version as the MINI35 works on 7.2vDC only.

Test vision from the Sony PMW-EX1 hack can be seen here :-


Peter Manojlovic September 20th, 2009 11:10 AM

I've never heard of the CH-900 dual charger.
It would be great to have ont in my arsenal, along with the 970 battery...

Would you be willing to part with those two items??

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