How to clean up bad audio - and keep it fresh in the future! at
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Old April 11th, 2014, 04:59 PM   #1
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How to clean up bad audio - and keep it fresh in the future!

Hi everyone,

My videographer friends and I have just kicked off a web series aimed at entry-level videographers – those who are just starting to run into the problems we all ran into when we were starting out. It might be a bit elementary for some of the more advanced folks on this forum, but I'm sure a lot of people here could find it quite useful.

Have you ever gone out and gotten what you thought was a great interview, only to later realize that all you could hear was the background noise? Surely there must be some way to just clean up the audio! And if not, there must be some kind of microphone I can use to keep it from happening again!

That's what this video is all about.

I tried to be as technically accurate as I could, but I'm sure a lot of what I said is up for debate. My goal was to provide simple, workable fixes, rather than seek out the absolute best solutions. Perhaps the biggest thing missing is a recommendation for a *decent* lavalier mic. (For that, I would personally recommend the Sony ECM-44B – it's great!)

Let me know if you have any feedback! Good, bad, ugly, I can take it.
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