"The Phoenix Hope Is Rising" Documentary Release! at DVinfo.net
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Old July 23rd, 2016, 11:39 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Piper City, IL
Posts: 350
"The Phoenix Hope Is Rising" Documentary Release!

I’ve posted here a few times about various projects I’ve worked on. I just released my first feature length documentary called “The Phoenix: Hope is Rising”. We’ve won a few awards with it, notably a 3rd place award from the International Christian Film Festival for best documentary.

This documentary is about a small, scrappy organization reaching out to the homeless while being in danger of having their own building destroyed. We follow several people in the film, touch on issues like mental health, drug addiction, and loneliness, and have had a lot of great feedback like this:

“Go see it if you haven’t. Great opportunity to see a powerful and informative story!”
“It’s a must see in my book.”
“Sure opened my eyes.”
“Wow, there is a lot more here than I expected.”

We’ve screened the film for hundreds of people at churches and other venues across Illinois, and we continue to have requests for more screenings, which is exciting.

It’s now available on Vimeo On Demand here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/hopeisrising

We’ve also submitted it through Distribber to iTunes, Hulu, and Netflix. We’re expecting it to release on iTunes & Hulu on August 10th.

Please check it out and review/share/like it - we’d really love that!


Phil Gioja

The Phoenix: Hope is Rising – A film about homelessness
The Phoenix: Hope Is Rising (2016) - IMDb
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