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Old November 16th, 2019, 10:27 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 1,828
Missing the Banks

Jeff’s Movie:

Here is the trailer for a low budget sitcom pilot we recently finished producing. The 50 minute pilot program is in the can but not publicly released yet. The most interesting part of this is the back story about how and why it was made. This year I was given a gift. A family contracted with me to produce “a movie” for their son who suffers from a debilitating medical condition that causes severe physical and psychological challenges. This amazing young man is a passionate fan of all entertainment media. All he has ever wanted to do in life is work in the entertainment industry. He writes scripts on a regular basis and has one acting credit. However, his medical condition severely limits his day to day abilities.
What started out to be a short film we called Jeff’s Movie eventually evolved into a pilot for an episodic sitcom. The intent was never to tell Jeff’s story and we do not do that. The purpose was to grant him the opportunity to create a “film” that would be produced to completion. I am the very fortunate producer that was granted the gift of working with Jeff to make this happen. It has been a wild ride and a humbling experience.

What started out to be a very low budget short film grew legs and evolved into a genuine low budget comedy pilot. Jeff has an amazing sense of humor and comedy is his favorite genre. This all began almost a year ago with weekly script meetings between Jeff and I. Jeff’s creativity and imagination are limitless. The budget was not. Part of my job was to take his amazing ideas and translate them into a script that could realistically be produced on a limited budget.

Even though I have a Producer, Director, and Writer credit on this show it is far from a one man band gig. I had a lot of help from a team of great people. It was an incredible experience to be tasked with turning Jeff’s creativity into a finished slapstick comedy production.

Kind Regards,

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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