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Sony ENG / EFP Shoulder Mounts
Sony PDW-F800, PDW-700, PDW-850, PXW-X500 (XDCAM HD) and PMW-400, PMW-320 (XDCAM EX).

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Old November 26th, 2007, 02:14 PM   #136
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Hi Kalunga. That is an old photo editor trick for portraiture photography. Use an identical layer and apply a gaussian blur then make the lower layer about 50 percent transparent.

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Old November 27th, 2007, 02:07 PM   #137
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Odd thing while Importing XDCam files

I am having trouble with XDCam Transfer 2.1 importing some clips FCP 6.02 in large numbers of segments in stead of a single clip. Each bit plays a small portion of the original clip, but the numbers can exceed 60. The only way to stop it is to quit the program and reboot. Doesn't seem to do it all the time or with all files.
Is there something I'm overlooking? I am running Tiger 10.4.11 on a MBP.
Thanks, Peter
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Old November 28th, 2007, 04:32 PM   #138
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XDCAM HD tidbit for Aussies

Just a bit of XDCAM geekiness for the Australians reading...

I got to shoot/direct a documentary piece over week-long road trip with Australian singer Missy Higgins in October. I had pretty much unrestricted access for the entire time, and was shooting pretty much all day every day.

I used my 350 anytime the situation would allow it, and a V1 anytime space wouldn't. I wish I could show how well the 350 fared, but unfortunately I can't post anything for quite some time.

Below is a picture of us on our way to boulder climbing in Boulder, Colorado, near the beginning of the trip.
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Sony XDCAM HD -- various topics-img_4985.jpg  
My Work:
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Old December 3rd, 2007, 06:55 AM   #139
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Axio / XDCAM editors?

Appologies if this is the wrong place to post but I'm trying to build a small list of XDCAM users who also edit on the Matrox Axio platform - for overrun jobs when I get busy - most of the time this year!!! (UK preferably).

I have an F350/U1 and an Axio LE.

I currently sub out work to other Avid/FCP editors but really want to be able to easily get a complete project back for archiving and re-purposing when complete.

So, anyone out there - or know of anyone? I potentially have some work to sub out imminently.


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Old December 5th, 2007, 10:58 AM   #140
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Need Cable Help

Trying to connect XDCam to a Ikan monitor (3 bnc composite). What kind of and where do I find it cable.


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Old December 15th, 2007, 03:53 PM   #141
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New version of PC Proxy Browsing Software

The most important thing to know is that this version 2.22, includes a ProDisc driver that is VISTA COMPATIBLE.

This is a nice surprise since Sony originally indicated it would be Q1 08 before a Vista driver would be available.

Now all we need is the Leopard compatible version of the ProDisc driver.

Version 2.22 is available on both the US and UK sites.

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Old January 6th, 2008, 09:14 PM   #142
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XDCAM HD, 720p60 & Flash XDR


I am researching HD upgrade options and the XDCAM HD line seems to be the best option at this point, but I am looking for some user information.

The only area I am wondering about is sports shooting where I would like to shoot in 60p.

I have read the 350/355 can overcrank to 60p, but at the cost of lines of resolution.

Is this true or noticeable?

Also, does anybody know if one can use the Convergent Designs Flash XDR SDI recorder to pull 720p60 out of these cameras?

That would solve this issue.

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Old January 7th, 2008, 05:21 AM   #143
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afaik 60p is also with no audio recording - aimed at slow motion purposes , not for general work..

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Old January 19th, 2008, 08:27 AM   #144
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canon lens

Please can someone tell me what the 35mm equivalent of a 20x8.6 2/3 lens fitted to a 2/3 inch camera.

thanks Richard
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Old January 25th, 2008, 09:25 AM   #145
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Very likely a silly question but here goes.

I understand, possiblly incorrectly that the Sony F950 and others have a facility for correcting brightness anomalies of individual lens types and saving the adjustments to a "lens file". An old JVC KY-F50 camera head I have, features a similar facility but I have not messed with it.

If one wanted to have a very subtle in-camera neutral grad effect, would there be any practicality in fitting a ND grad filter in front of the lens in an inverse orientation, then saving a lens file, then shooting with this lens file called in but without the original ND grad filter fitted.

Just an idle thought and probably not a good one.
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Old January 25th, 2008, 03:56 PM   #146
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panny lens with XDHDCam??

Does anyone have any info or history with this lens? (Panasonic S20x6.4BEMD 1/2" Motor Drive Telephoto Video Conferencing Lens with 2x Extender) in conjuction with any of the XDHD cams. Just wondering, THX
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Old February 14th, 2008, 02:11 PM   #147
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335 Demo??

Question, I am fairly sure the overwhelming answer will be "no!!" but here it goes. Does anyone know for sure any dealer that will send out a XDHD 335 with a lens and deck to Demo before buying? We have 13 Z1's and are very interested in upgrading but living in Mississippi getting your hands on a deck and XDHD 335 Camera to check out its fuctionality before buying is impossible. Makes no sense to buy even one of these before trying one out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. THX
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Old February 15th, 2008, 03:29 AM   #148
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PDZ-1 and naming of clips

I'm starting to get into a workflow where I send customers a data DVD of the proxy clips, along with the PDZ-VX10 viewer software.

This has worked fine for a couple of jobs but I'm worried about running into problems down the line with the way clips are named. Each disc seems to name clips C5000S01.MXF, C5001S01.MXF (for sub clips) etc.

I know that the user defined names are stored in an XML file and that software such as PDZ-1 will read the XML file and show names as the user defined type. But - the physical name is still the original camera recorded name. I'm thinking that problems could arise in the future with the similarly named clips being overwritten etc.

Anyone else do this?

any thoughts?
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Old February 18th, 2008, 04:00 AM   #149
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Problems with U1 and DVCAM disc

I've just had an odd problem with my U1 where HD discs would load and view/play fine but a disc recorded on an SD XDCAM camera (not sure which model) just wouldn't load in the U1.

In the end, a reboot of the PC it was attached to solved the problem.

I wonder if the drivers got messed up?

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Old February 18th, 2008, 06:59 AM   #150
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OK, so I'm answering my own question after a bit of experimentation.

I was copying the proxy files from the PDZ-1 folders. It appears that these clips are named after the original filenames and don't reflect the user generated names that you see on the Disc itself.

So - if I want to keep the user naming and prevent running into problems, I need to copy the clips from the disc rather than the PDZ-1 database.

That's a shame really as it's a lot quicker to copy from the database already held on HDD.

I hope that helps someone in the future.
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