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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old May 9th, 2013, 01:47 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Birzebbugia, Malta
Posts: 5
sony hdr hc1

Good Evening every one on line,I have a question regarding the sound of my camera.Since I have changed the side lcd panel connecting cable there is no recording sound .I mostly use this camera for underwater filming.I have tested the camera outside its underater case by recording something at a load volume,when I played it back a very low recorded noise was present.I have sett all sound settings to full but to no avail.I want o know if the lcd screen connecting cables carry the sound as the Tech.told me that the fault could be in the front part of the camera which part I do not wish to open prefer to record without sound than open that part.
I need your comments regarding this sound problem
Thanks for reading this .
Charles Cutajar is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 9th, 2013, 11:46 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: sony hdr hc1

Odds are pretty good that there was a ribbon cable (those flat, brown/copper things) that didn't get re-connected/re-seated in the proper socket, and that's preventing the audio from reaching the mainboard.

Been a long time since I saw the inside of an HC1, but all Sonys are pretty similar, and I can say from experience it's REALLY easy to miss one of those darn things! The ones that just slide in and out of the tension sockets are the easiest to miss, as you may not even realize they pulled out during disassembly... The ones with the flip clamps of course are tricky, but you don't forget those as easily! Retrace your disassembly steps, look for a cable that isn't connected/fully seated, you should be back in business...

Hope that gets you back in working order!
Dave Blackhurst is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 10th, 2013, 01:03 PM   #3
New Boot
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Location: Birzebbugia, Malta
Posts: 5
Re: sony hdr hc1

Thanks for your swift reply,this problem started after I took it to a camera tech. to change the lcd cable to the main body,it seems that this model suffer from this as I already changed this two times . I only use the lcd panel while transfering for edieting as since I use it for under water I use the viefinder.I told the technition about this sound problem but he said that the lcd cable to the main unit have nothing to do with the recorded sound but it could be the result you menton that while changing the cable some other cable in the main body was move from its place .I am not sure I can do it and could not take it to the technition after what he said that the sound problem is in the front part.Maybe if I download more information how to dismantel the lcd panel to the main body I can trace the unplug wire,any more help regarding this will be of much help.I thank you as now I know from were to start.
Best Regards
Charles Cutajar is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 10th, 2013, 06:25 PM   #4
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Re: sony hdr hc1

I still have one and the LCD will work properly when it is folded back on the body but that won't help with your audio issue
if you haven't already try resetting the camera to factory defaults
Bruce Dempsey is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 11th, 2013, 08:08 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: sony hdr hc1

The LCD flex cable is a common fail point, but if the camera came back from the tech with non-working audio and the audio worked previously, I see no reason the tech shouldn't double check and back his "work". Sometimes it's very possible to miss something, and a tech should back their "fix"... if it isn't broken when the camera goes in, it shouldn't be broken when the camera leaves...

One other thing worth a check is the external mic input jack - does that work? Sometimes those can get internal corrosion, and that may affect the audio. Worth a quick check... it could help isolate the problem.
Dave Blackhurst is offline   Reply

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