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Sony HVR-HD1000
Sony's single-CMOS shoulder mount HDV camcorder.

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Old September 23rd, 2009, 10:24 AM   #16
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I was going to sell this camera because I've also got an FX1000, but I started a project and started using both cameras and really got into this camera.

I've got the CF recorder too. And the two shoes makes the rigging of the cam easy.

Here's a website showing video I shot with the camera: 2OldBags Wins Prestigious Award!

Guys, I cut this on site in Imovie HD (I just thought it would work) along with a few Gee Three plugins. The flexibility of the camera is great. I'm using a MKE 300 shotgun on this shoot but have used my G2 wireless too.

That's my girlfriend, Maggie, in some of the videos.

None of the footage has been color corrected. I use some manual settings.

Finally, this camera does a good job and the shoulder mount (once you get used to it) is fine. It makes you look like a pro, but the quality is nothing like my FX1000. I use the FX1000 for all my paying gigs these days. But the HD1000U is a great camera. I also own a HC9, which is built a little sturdier but has no real usable ring. Plus, on some shoots, the HD1000U would make a better impression on the client.

Let me know what you guys think of the video. I'm using the camera next weekend for my girlfriend as she travels to the Atlanta Hotoberfest to sell her awesome handbags. Contact her if you guys need a bag for your wife or girlfriends and tell her I sent you. And ladies reading, these bags are the coolest!
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 06:20 PM   #17
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Kren, I noticed that you're thinking of trying a 35 lens adapter with the camera. I wouldn't recommend it. I rigged it with my Letus one time for an interview and I had to break out my entire light package for a 15 minute shoot. It was very light hungry.

Also, the cinematic mode on the camera is very cool, but it requires a little more light.

I've not used that setting on my recent shoots with the camera and opted to just fix anything in post.
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Old April 8th, 2010, 11:17 PM   #18
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Great Highlight. Not sure what software your editing on but I am curious what the transitions are that you use just after the 2min. mark?

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Old April 15th, 2010, 10:58 PM   #19
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Thanks Adam
We edit with Premiere Pro CS3 ..the effect is called Art Beat Film Clutter

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