Warning about Metabones adapter at DVinfo.net
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Sony NXCAM NEX-FS100 CineAlta
An interchangeable lens AVCHD camcorder using E-Mount lenses.

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Old July 8th, 2012, 03:35 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN
Posts: 12
Warning about Metabones adapter

I want to talk about Metabones support.

I have complained that the adapter is not worked for Sigma AF 24-70/2, 8 EX DG HSM for Canon EOS with FS100,
and they promised to solve the problem if I send the adapeter to them.

I sent the adapter to the Metabone at my own expense, they promised to compensate me for my expenses, but never did.

When I got back the adapter, the same problem remains. I think they're not even tested if it worked.
Now when I complain, the error is not corrected, they do not respond to my emails.

The problem is that the iris jumps all the time and make the lens useless.
They still have the lens as working in his list, despite my observation that it is not working.

I have warned them that I will write about this support, and said that the problem does not disappear if you ignore their customers, and the problem gets worse with a bad reputation.

Not even then they respond to my email.
I want to warn of Meta Bone poor support, and they're not listening to their customers.
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Old September 10th, 2012, 01:50 AM   #2
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN
Posts: 12
Re: Warning about Metabones adapter

I want to withdraw my warning about Meta Bone.
They have set up and helped me 100 percent.
The main reason was that my Sigma lens had an old firmware, that made the adapter worked poorly with the lens.
Now I've gotten back adapter adjusted by Metabone and it work well with the Sigma lens.
So I really want rekommendra Meta Bone and their adapters and there exelent support.
Tommy Simonsson is offline   Reply

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