Pulled out the fs700 for a few hours up the snow while skiing with a mate (buddy).
Thought I'd see how pp6 and onboard nd filters handled the snow. Cam, wireless audio, two lenses, alphatron evf and batteries all fit in a medium kata backpack if you can beleive that. Never thought I'd be backpacking and hand holding something that can do ssm at 1080p with cinegamma.
Used an inexpensive levelpod levelcam "crazy bit of wood" monopod with shoulderstrap to keep me shooting for a few hours off sticks and sliding backwards at high speed. Amazing cam for that environment. Imagine the shots when you actually ask the talent to actually ski closer to you and where you want them to.
Question. Have not had to deal with lens flare much before. I had a Tokina amount 11-16mm and the kit lens. Hoya digital circ polarizers on both. Is the reflections I am seeing here in the ungraded footage the dreaded "oh is that your sensor in green"? I had thought these multicoat filters were meant to reduce that. Is it a case of no matter what you do, if you are shooting wide and the sun crosses your path, nothing will help, just don't do it?