Things I Really like about my EX-1. at
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Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds
Sony PXW-Z280, Z190, X180 etc. (going back to EX3 & EX1) recording to SxS flash memory.

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Old March 20th, 2009, 06:55 AM   #1
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Things I Really like about my EX-1.

I thought we needed to start a thread of positive comments about some of the great features of the EX-1/EX-3 cameras.

Spent most of yesterday shooting a condominium promotional video for an ad agency, primarily inside shots with existing lighting. With previous cameras I would have needed to set-up lighting for each room and each shot. The EX-1 handled the lower light conditions with ease. The condo designers spent big bucks on lighting and decorations, and the EX-1 was able to capture images duplicating what the eye sees. Pools of light from mini spot lights were not washed out by my big halogen guns.

And the EX-1's smaller size was a bonus while shooting in tighter conditions of a condo.

Also, My first battery lasted 6 hours before I needed to swap it out for a second one.
And I never have to worry about a camera eating a tape again!
Of course the images are beautiful as well.
And I am earning a decent living from my work with this camera.

Kevin Jones
Jones Media Productions
Jones Media Productions
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Old March 20th, 2009, 10:23 AM   #2
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I love my EX1 more and more each day I shoot with it, and I loved it from the beginning! It only gets better and better the more I learn about it and use it. I now shoot with 'detail off' and I don't have the motion problems that used to concern me (there was so much fine detail that pans couldn't keep the intense detail, making it harder on my eyes). But even with detail off, at this super high resolution everything looks so sweet! I can sharpen specific cuts in post if need be.

I love the picture, the color, the resolution, the small size, the tweakability... I love putting my Century Optics 55x Fisheye adaptor on this puppy and getting ultra-wide shots! I love that you can get such a great quality pitcure out of such a small unit... I can chase my boy, running, while holding it at near ground level for cool perspectives. Or hand 'fly' it through/over fields of wildflowers. I love the over/under cranking, it's awesome! It's great to be able to shoot to SxS and then simply take it out of the camera put it into my adapter hooked up to my Mac Pro, instant footage! Or download it onto my laptop in the field and keep on shooting. The lcd screen is so sweet too!

Sony made a fine camera with this EX1.
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Old March 20th, 2009, 12:07 PM   #3
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I really like the histogram, the color quality, and the general lack of motion artifacts as compared to my Sony Z1.

The EX1 puts HD back at Sony VX2000 light sensitivity for SD. That's a big deal. I shot my VX2000 at f/4 for most of my indoor sports, which appears to put the lens in its sweet spot. With the Z1, I had to shoot at f/2.8 under the same lights. With the EX1, I'm back at f/4 .
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Old March 21st, 2009, 10:33 AM   #4
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I love the form factor of my EX3 (another way of saying how cool it looks)
I LOVE LOVE how well it sees in low light.
Love how sharp it stays even as the light goes away.
Love all the features it has like frame recording and frame accumulation.
Love the big giant super sharp LCD hanging off the side.
Love the focus ring that has actual stops and doesn't spin forever.

Here's one, I love that it doesn't have some crappy viewfinder hanging off the back of the camera. (sorry EX1 users)
EX3, Q6600 Quad core PC - Vista 64, Vegas 8.1 64bit, SR11 b-cam
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Old March 24th, 2009, 08:53 PM   #5
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You know what I love....
Reading these theads!

Although the market constantly improves in this technology, I have not had the itch to run out a buy something new.

It only takes a look at what the EX is capable of to understand why.
This cam fits in a lot of situations including event and studio work.

The only thing I'm thinking about adding (when available) is the Convergent Design nanoFLASH video capture device.
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Old March 24th, 2009, 11:21 PM   #6
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I love the tapeless workflow and that I don't have to handle tapes any more (or less often). I just pop my MxR or SxS card out of the EX1, put it into my Macbook Pro Expresscard slot, run XDCam Clip Browser, hit Copy All, and have it automatically create a directory based on the date in the same area on my Drobo. Come back a little later, use XDCam Transfer to log and create .mov files, import those into FCP...

I also like the pro feel of the lens.

Oh yeah, and of course I like the amazing sharpness and 'solid' look of the images, Sony did a good job on the EX Codec.

I also like that I keep learning new things about it's capabilities and that part is fun too.
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Old March 24th, 2009, 11:36 PM   #7
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I like not having to think I will want to get something new for quite a while. No moving parts-Tapeless workflow, great in lowlight, quality lens, superb picture. When I started having to take my Z1s in for cleaning and replacing tape heads and tape chasis' that made me want to get away from tape even more.

I feel confident I can keep the EX-1 for a long time to come and still compete even though I know something more advanced will come along soon. That's a great feeling, especially in these economic times that make it harder to go out and spend more than you really need to on new stuff.
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Old March 25th, 2009, 06:43 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Steven Thomas View Post
You know what I love....
Reading these theads!

Although the market constantly improves in this technology, I have not had the itch to run out a buy something new.

It only takes a look at what the EX is capable of to understand why.
This cam fits in a lot of situations including event and studio work.

The only thing I'm thinking about adding (when available) is the Convergent Design nanoFLASH video capture device.
Well said Steven I wish I did not search for more over the last 5 months. My EX1 is fulfilling all my needs at this time. The Nano should be a very nice addition.
Paul Cronin
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Old April 2nd, 2009, 07:14 PM   #9
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Well, you guys are doing a great job convincing me that the EX-1 should be my next camera! What additional costs should I expect beyond the camera?
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Old April 2nd, 2009, 10:02 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Charles Penn View Post
Well, you guys are doing a great job convincing me that the EX-1 should be my next camera! What additional costs should I expect beyond the camera?
Probably a wide angle adapter or converter which isn't cheap, will run from $300 to $1,300.
77mm filters, protector/UV, polarizer
SxS or SDHC cards with the Expresscard Adapter

That's it for starters if you have gear from a previous camcorder such as tripod, microphones, etc.
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Old April 2nd, 2009, 10:21 PM   #11
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Since I started from scratch, the EX1 was just the beginning for me, but you may have all the other "production" and editing stuff. As for the camera itself, I got extra SxS cards (it was before the cheaper SD options), a few extra large batteries since I'm away from electricity on extended trips, wide angle adapters, carrying bag, card reader (faster read times), various filters (GNDs and polarizers and IR), a laptop for dumping SxS footage in the field (maybe not necessary now with cheap SD cards), training material (DVDs and field guide).

Then there's the tripod/jib/dolly-track/car mounts/external mic/windscreen/shock mount/waterproof housing/rain cover/stabilizer/lite panels/editing system/monitoring system/RAID/capture cards/stuff I don't even know how to begin to use yet/clean underwear/partridge in a pair tree/, etc., etc. I need a team of sherpas just to shoot my 3 year old playing in the park. I'll admit, I'm way over my head in learning all this stuff from scratch... I tried to swallow an elephant. But I'm having fun. But my wife wants me to make money doing this too, ha ha!
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