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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old November 13th, 2004, 12:45 PM   #1
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Need your advice, auto accidnet

This is off topic but I got in a autoaccidet march of 2003. I just found out I am being sued. I was driving and the roads were clear and I came around a corner and hit ice and hit a uhaul truck coming the opposite way in the rear tire area. I totaled my car, the uhaul truck went off the road bc of the ice as well and had no damage to it whatsoever. The 2 occupants inside came to me asked me if I was ok I said yes they said they were fine also.
Cop came no tickets were given out and the 2 occupants in this huge uhaul truck said they were fine no injuries. 1 1/2 years later they are suing because of some type of injury, and there suing me in the 6 figures.

do you think they will get far? I mean they were not injured and im just so upset someone would do this? Will insurance paty most of it?
Kevin Galliford is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 13th, 2004, 01:38 PM   #2
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Lots of soft tissues injuries don't show up immediately. It doesn't matter if they were fine shortly after the accident, they might not have been able to walk the next day.

My ex was in a near head on collision, and she was fine, just shaken up after the accident. She walked away and I picked her up and drove her to the hospital. The real pain started the next day. A year and half of physiotherapy and at least six months of continous painkillers followed. It's now almost four years later and she still doesn't have feeling in two fingers from nerve damage. But she was fine when she walked away from the accident.

The people who are suing you could very well have serious medical damage. If you are properly insured, your insurance company should cover you. Let them legal system grind its gears and try not to worry about it.
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Old November 13th, 2004, 02:05 PM   #3
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Thanks man I appreciate it, True I dont know their exact "claims".

Hopefully my insrance should take care of it.
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Old November 14th, 2004, 01:54 AM   #4
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A year and half later? What the.................................?

Something weird about this whole thing. No accident report, no insurance claims?

I wouldn't sweat it. Let the insurance company deal with it.

MY 2 CENTS and definatley not LEGAL ADVICE!
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Old November 14th, 2004, 08:53 AM   #5
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First pulled over and now THIS?

Have you considered hiring a full-time driver? :)

On a serious note.

That's why you pay for insurance. The U-Haul also had to have been insured as well as the driver.

Unfortunately, we live in a litgious society where anyone can sue for just about anything. 1 1/2 years sounds kind of strange, let the insurance companies do their thing although it probably woudn't hurt to know an attorney, just in case.

Good luck, RB.

Did you ever get that "after-the-fact" phone call from that other incident?
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Old November 14th, 2004, 11:13 AM   #6
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Not sure about there, but here the statute of limitations on legal action in an MVA is 2 years. Although a lawyer will suggest they get the ball rolling immedeately, their insurance company might have suggested to wait until they knew the full extent of the injury and required rehabilitation. There are many exceptions to the 2 year rule here of course. In our case, the ball really got rolling around the two year mark, and was setteled two months later.
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Old November 14th, 2004, 09:46 PM   #7
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Becareful though at the same time. The insurance companies will settle before going to court over anything, and you'll end up paying that off through your premiums. I was sued when i was sixteen by someone i got into an accident with leaving school, i knew the kid. I saw him at school everyday, and he never said he was hurt or anything. He sued me, the insurance company settled. My insurance was over $300.00 a month until I was 21, and then $200.00, until i was 22. Make sure you stay in contact with the insurance company. The only reason i even found out i was sued was because the guys moved into the house next door to me and were braggin about their stereo equipment, I asked them how they were able to afford it, one of them started laughing, and goes, "With the money Chris got from your accident." I hadn't been drivin since my car was wrecked, and I couldn't afford to fix it, so I hadn't contacted my insurance company, and htey never contacted me when the claim was made.
i am the muffin man.
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