Hi Oliver - nice that you have stepped into this challenge too. Not easy. Probably was a good idea to keep it short and simple on your first attempt as you decided to do here.
Overall your camera work is clear, steady and fairly well framed with good lighting. You have used a variety of shots (pans, rack focus, close subjects and far) to add interest - which is good. Your images show the bleak, colorless scenes typical of winter, with empty seed cases and dead flower heads - all complemented by the slow, almost heavy music.
I rather liked the way you did your titles - did you do that with a chroma key?
For the next challenge, a suggestion would be to try constructing your video - much like you would a piece of music - with a beginning, middle and end. This is an important step in producing a video that is complete as opposed to one that simply has a string of images arranged aimlessly one after the other.
Well done otherwise.