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Oliver Pahlow August 7th, 2008 08:24 PM

UWOL X Sharktank
OK, I will be the first to fill the shark tank full of water. I have not heard from my sponser. I'm a little Peeved about the whole challenge thing. I told myself, if I could not find a sponser for some reason I would still put a short film together anyway. Well, now I don't feel like doing that either. I just read about PETA and how they want to tie that crazy Wacko Canading "cutting a humans head off" Bus incident with treating animals destined for Slaughter. I read the artical and it put me into another depressed place. I fell I should become a full plegded vegetarian now. Excuse my spelling. But, as a compassionate person I connot eat red meat, veal, and I cannot eat chickens now too. Am I alone in this? I was so depressed I wrote a melodie, and here it is. In nature, predators are much cruler than humans when it comes for food. Humans by nature feel above animals and treat animals cruley. It's about food? What is it about?


Kevin Railsback August 7th, 2008 09:45 PM


First of all, the melody was fantastic. If you happen to flesh it out some more I'd love to use it in some work sometime, maybe even a UWOL challenge.

Don't let stuff like this get you down, turn it around and use it.

I collect local stories about animal mistreatment that fuels my passion to create something beautiful and hopefully in the end, make a difference.

The latest was about a guy who was ticked at a farmer so he let all his pigs out of the pen and then proceeded to run them all over with his truck until they were all dead.

Things like that make me want to do things that would land me in prison for life. But, I use that to drive me to make something out of it and eventually make people aware.

My work is finally being followed by some people who can't wait for my next piece. Eventually, the message starts getting tied into the work. With awareness comes knowledge and power. Power has the ability to create change.

So, don't let this depress you, use it and let it empower you to create work that makes people aware.

There no doubt that nature can be cruel but it is a system that has worked for eons. The difference between man and beast is that animal predators prey on the old, the weak and the injured thus making their prey stronger in the end. While we seem to be obsessed with bagging the best and the biggest and taking away those genes from the gene pool.

Nothing wrong with giving up meat. I've taken small steps and have given up veal because of the way calves are treated. Someday as my work hopefully gets more popular, I can use that popularity to make a statement.

So, don't give up!

Oliver Pahlow August 7th, 2008 11:12 PM

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the feed back and I'm glade you liked the melody. I also cannot eat veal and I'm happy to know I'm not alone about my feelings towards animal mistreatment. I was trying to get the attention of our local humain society with out luck. Maybe I did not try hard enough. But I will reserve my energy for the next challenge. When I read the latest story from PETA it really brought the idea of slaughter too close to home for me. I can't change things but perhapse becoming a vegitarian is something I can choose for myself. Some how I can't help but feel that what goes around comes around, and if there is such a thing a reincarnation, I hope I do not come back as a chicken or a cow!

Mike Beckett August 14th, 2008 06:38 AM


That's the sound of an Irishman landing in the shark tank.

No ideas, too busy at work, no spare time, plus getting ready for a long holiday in Australia... not a chance to get near this one, let alone committing time to meet with and work for a third party. I think even a "normal" UWOL would've been too much for me right now.

I still look forward to seeing the results, and (hopefully) UWOL XI, although I'll miss the first week of October due to travel and jetlag. I'll have to get to an Internet cafe for the sign up thread too.

By then I hope to have learned about color correction and improved my audio skills a bit. See you all next time!

Brian McKay August 14th, 2008 02:46 PM

I decided to get in early and beat the rush plus I thought it wise to mark off a wee bit of turf for myself to sit and watch as others make the plunge.

Not a tree to hug nor and animal to save in my neighbourhood unless of course I want to disagree with the majority in these parts and go way out on a thin limb and maybe find myself friendless.

A cool challenge for some I'm sure but not one I feel comfortable entering.

Good luck to everyone.


David Gemmell August 15th, 2008 02:18 AM

Just back from New Zealand and unfortunately, things didn't quite work out from a video perspective.
Work and family commitments just make this round impossible for me.
Good luck to everyone and see you in UWOL 11

Paul Mailath August 16th, 2008 12:40 AM


Adrinn Chellton August 17th, 2008 10:31 PM


Been quite sick for the past 2 weeks, not able to take part in this one. Good luck to everyone!

Russ Holland August 19th, 2008 02:38 AM

And here I go... 3, 2, 1... Splash!

I'm in the tank. Had two initial sponsors, one replied back "sorry but not able to help you" Obviously they didn't understand I was offering help to them... The other I never heard anything from despite my chasing.

A third opportunity did raise it's head, a very tiny conservation project that is actually just down the road from me, but I spoke to the secretary, sounded promising, but the head went on holiday and no-one could help me out. Maybe when he gets back, obviously too darn late.

Like Oliver, I was going to create a film regardless, but seeing how these organisations have treated me, why should I?

So, in the tank for another month, just bobbing at the surface though.

Sorry folks


Andrew Kufahl August 19th, 2008 09:51 PM

There are so many things I could say... but I won't. My presence here indicates my failure to succeed with this challenge. Good luck to those that are still going strong. See you next round.


Trond Saetre August 20th, 2008 02:56 AM

2 times in a row, not a good feeling.
I have to come back strong for the uwol 11.

John Dennis Robertson August 20th, 2008 04:14 AM

Hey Trond
So sorry to see you in the tank...I know how much you enjoy this contest...

Trond Saetre August 20th, 2008 04:37 AM

Hi John,
You are right, the uwol challenge is a big part of my life.
Best part, all the new friends we get there, and all we learn,
and last but not least... how FUN we have.

Good luck to you, John!
The shark tank is about full now, and there is hardly room for anyone else, haha.

Bryce Comer August 20th, 2008 11:17 PM

Hey Trond,
You may need to leave a little space for me! I may have something i can do, but it won't be until some time next week. I'm at the mercy of the people i have contacted for this round. Not sure if i will end up having the time in the end, but i guess if it were a normal round, i'd only be a few days away from the shark tank instead of a week & a half.
This sure is a tough one!!


Trond Saetre August 21st, 2008 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Bryce Comer (Post 922831)
Hey Trond,
You may need to leave a little space for me!

Ok, I'll try to find a little room for you Bryce. But we will have to come back stronger next round. :)
Don't give up yet. Hopefully you find that "something" to make.

Annie Haycock August 21st, 2008 08:28 AM

I'm in too. No time to think of ideas, let alone contact anybody or do any filming - holiday weekend coming up and I'll be lucky to find time for grocery shopping! If I can keep up to date with other work, for the next six weeks, I should have no excuse for not doing something in the next round.

Mike Beckett August 21st, 2008 11:23 AM

Come on on on in, Annie, the water's lovely!

I'm in Australia for the start of the next UWOL, but alas I won't have my camera gear (other than my Panasonic digital stills camera which sort of does HD). If I'm lucky, the theme will be all about a severe lack of sleep!

Catherine Russell August 25th, 2008 09:47 AM

Hi All:

I had best intentions, but not good enough. I had my heart set on covering a local community organic produce and seeds farm that emphasizes the environmentally and economically sound practice of growing organically and feeding the local community. My husband and I own a share that feeds us fresh produce 6 months out of the year. They are called Abbondanza Organic Seeds and Produce. Here is a link: Abbondanza Organic Seeds & Produce .

On August 1, I fired an email off to Shanan a co-owner of the farm explaining the UWOL contest and that I would like to cover their efforts and philosophy of their farm. They have unlisted phone numbers, so email is the only way to reach them. TWENTY ONE days later I received an email from Shanan where she replied to my initial email and said she had just received it and to call her cell phone right away. I did so and now a week later there is still no reply to the phone messages I have left.

So in I go. It's been so busy on the ranch this summer that I have only had the chance to swim once... so at the moment, the water isn't too bad!

On our own home front: We have recently added a miniature Donkey we have named Norman to guard our flock and crew. We simply love him and are thinking of bringing in a little girl friend for him to keep him company at night.

All the best to the UWOL X players, and hopefully Next time.


Trond Saetre August 25th, 2008 10:16 AM

Catherine, not you also...
No fancy after effects video this round?
I'm already looking forward to October and next challenge.

Bob Safay August 25th, 2008 03:44 PM

Is it to late to join you guys? Just could not pull this one together. Bob

Sam Mendolia August 26th, 2008 06:46 AM

Cold Water
I hate cold water,

I hope I have better luck with the next challange.

No replies to emails, or phone calls, and Canon is very slow, with both cameras, summer vacations are slowing down their service and parts dept.

Good luck to you all, and to those of us in the tank, let's huddle together, and stay warm.

The sharks can take the ones on the outside of the group.

Vidar Vedaa August 26th, 2008 07:38 AM

On time myst bee the first,dont make time fore this round.Have been on holyday
whid my famely.Have some plan on Cypros making a story fore a subadiving website.
But my youngest dather end on Hospital, but all end good.

Best luck fore compiting Challerger.



Meryem Ersoz August 26th, 2008 07:40 AM

oh, some of our noblest shooters are dropping like flies. it hurts the heart...

don't worry, though, next round will be something that even Norman the mini donkey can take part in...easy easy.

Marj Atkins August 26th, 2008 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Catherine Russell (Post 924583)
So in I go.


Well Cat I must say I am really sorry that you have gone swimming. I have said to Tom more than once during the past few weeks that out of all of us you probably have the best chance of winning this round because you have all the right AE editing skills. I was looking forward to what you had in store - guess it will have to wait for another time.


Marj Atkins August 26th, 2008 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz (Post 925028)
oh, some of our noblest shooters are dropping like flies. it hurts the heart...

don't worry, though, next round will be something that even Norman the mini donkey can take part in...easy easy.

Does "easy easy" mean "easier than 'cream puff' "?

Ruth Happel August 26th, 2008 08:59 AM

It looks like the shark tank is getting pretty crowded, but get ready for another splash. I'd hoped to do a video, but things have just been way too hectic. I was visiting my mom and family in NY until a couple weeks ago, then shuttling between a couple temporary places before moving in to our rental home a week ago. It took all this time getting my computers set up again, and I just don't have time to get something done now. Not to mention I have adopted an older puppy, Siggy (a distant cousin to Decker, star of one of my UWOL videos) since moving to NC, and he's still settling in and needs a lot of supervision. I will look forward to the next UWOL, with lots of new sights and sounds to videotape.


Mat Thompson August 28th, 2008 05:57 AM

I'm gutted that I haven't been able to do this one and I think I might follow the lead and approach some organisations about possible films when I have more time. In August I have had only 5 days at home and just not been able to gather any momentum.

I think this is the best challenge yet and I hope Meryem does something similar again but for now I'm going to do some shark spotting !


Adrinn Chellton August 28th, 2008 04:56 PM

Glad I was smart and didn't try to do this one against the odds, 3 trips to the ER, countless tests and they are still working on figuring out why I can't eat anything. We all have different reasons for being here, but we can all sit back and enjoy the water! (and to a lesser extent the sharks trying to eat our toes)

Kinda like a forum Breakfast Club.

Ohh did I say breakfast? I can't wait till I can eat it again......

Oliver Pahlow August 28th, 2008 06:24 PM


I like this challenge. It forces me to think and I want to learn from all of you fine film makers that participate in this. That is why I participate. I do my own filming, I do the editing, I do my own music. I love it! As a student film maker I have learned nothing from this round. As a sales person (which I'm not) I could have learned plenty. Meryem you have my respect for picking this theme and trying to do what you are doing. It is not my place to critizise valuable and free information, not to mention leasons. I thank you all for sharing what you know and I look foward to future sharing in what it takes to make a good film. I think that is the bottom line. A good film.


Please don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to the next challenge.


Oliver Pahlow

Chris Barcellos August 28th, 2008 10:26 PM

See Chris Barcellos Go Into Shark Tank and PSA Too
I went to the shark tank, too, but I did it with a Public Service Announcement for all of you !!!!


Right click and save target....

Vegard Paulsen August 29th, 2008 01:48 AM

Its time to dive in..
To bad the theme was not my cup of tea.
I finnished a 48 hours film contest last weekend instead :)
Good luck to all of the uwolcontestants that made it this round!
Looking forward to see the results

Dale Guthormsen August 29th, 2008 08:27 AM


You allowed me to start the day with a good laugh!!


Geir Inge August 31st, 2008 12:58 AM

OK, i'm swimming too.
I had to take a bath anyway :/

I have made my PSA, and will be making a 1 min or so for NOF (Norwegian Ornithological Society or Birdlife Norway if you like) Norsk ornitologisk forening
Though I'm doing this for free, I look at NOF as my customer and I want to do the best way I can, and will use some scenes from earlier sessions. So I will be working on my PSA a bit more. The PSA will be shown on national TV2 on Christmas day and the 1 min will be on their web as soon as it's finished.

All the best and good luck to everyone.

Hi Meryem, though I'm in the tank I still think the uwolX theme is great (just as you know).

Mat Thompson August 31st, 2008 03:12 AM

Hey Geir
Bad news on the shark out....great news on the PSA....well done! Christmas day Geir, what more could you ask for ! :-)

Trond Saetre August 31st, 2008 03:15 AM

Geir, not you too?
"Team Norway" is seriously taking a big swim this round, hehe.

Nice to hear you still have a great project to work on.
I'll watch tv Christmas day for sure :)
(You might have to remind us of that one)

Catherine Russell August 31st, 2008 07:12 AM


That was hysterical! Nicely done! Nothing like making a great movie about not getting a movie in!


Thanks for the vote of confidence friend but a 30 sec spot is a very big challenge (good editing skills or not)! I entered a contest this year to make a commercial on a political candidate and boy, to be thoughtful, moving and compelling in 26 seconds is a tough one! I really liked what I came up with (still do) but it ranked in the 58% out of 1500 entries.

Meryem, great pick on a challenging topic. If one can produce something really good in 30 seconds they are half way there to being tops!

All the best to the few brave souls remaining who haven't dipped their toes in the water this round!


Kevin Railsback August 31st, 2008 09:19 PM

Well, we never even broke out the camera yet on my project.
Things tend to move slowly the more people you have involved.
We have a writer on board now that is working on the script.
Hopefully we'll be able to film in the Fall.

But, it's been a heck of a ride. Soon to be ex-business partner is most likely sitting in jail. Camera is on it's way back to her so I'm SOL until my new camera gets here hopefully sometime in September but I've been hearing it may not be till October.

Ryan Farnes August 31st, 2008 09:35 PM

Kevin I hear you.

I did about 80% of my filming yesterday after a botched attempt a couple of weeks ago. It's tough when most of the scheduling is out of your hands.

I call myself lucky for even being able to get what I did.

Bryce Comer August 31st, 2008 11:16 PM

Well i'd hate to admit defeat, but it looks like i'm joining all you fine people here in the shark tank for the second round in a row. Gee, i hope next round has something to do with water, i feel all this experience in the tank should provide me with some material to work with! :) It sounds like there were a few that managed to get their PSA done though. Well done to them, i look forward to seeing them.


Meryem Ersoz September 1st, 2008 10:15 AM

Here's your chance to crawl out of the tank...


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