Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings? - Page 4 at DVinfo.net
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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old November 28th, 2014, 12:42 PM   #46
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett View Post
Doesn't cinema break that rule. Plus some of my videos are watched on tablets and smart phones. Maybe I'll shoot as normal and put a disclaimer on the video; 'watching on a screen larger than 42" can seriously damage your self image'.

Bit harsh. Reframing is less a safety net and more an option in filming. I have a good low light lens 12-35, but in civil Weddings, I'd prefer a f2.8 12-70. Such a lens does not exist for micro 4/3s as far as I'm aware. 4k helps in that respect. Still we can argue respected systems till we're blue in the face. No one camera system is perfect. Ideally you'd have multiple systems at your disposal; hardly practical for event filming. I'm sure you're doing great work with your camera system as I'm doing with mine.
Steve, in addition to video I do audio recording I have a client (guitarist) coming next month to record a CD. I use headphones on my laptop to mix sound...... and quite frankly only care about what the audio sounds like on laptop speakers, and iPhones with earbuds..... I'm somewhat exaggerating but you get the idea. I know an award winning recording engineer who listens to the final mix on his car audio system rather than his $20,000 monitors.

Same with video...... I have a 42 inch or something TV that I haven't turned on for 7 years. I watch everything on my laptop mostly YouTube!

Will anyone really notice a difference in 4K on their laptops or iPhones?
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Old November 28th, 2014, 02:01 PM   #47
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Michael Thames View Post

Same with video...... I have a 42 inch or something TV that I haven't turned on for 7 years. I watch everything on my laptop mostly YouTube!

Will anyone really notice a difference in 4K on their laptops or iPhones?
Excuse me, I've just been watching an old comedy on my 40" TV. I'm not convinced that my clients are following your example. Of the 70 Weddings my Business have filmed this year, only 2 have their videos online in their entirety. 7 have received USB sticks, 16 received blurays and the rest DVD's.
Today is Black Friday and my attempts to secure a cheap 4K TV have ended in failure thanks to demand exceeding supply. I am not convinced that those who bought any type of TV today have done it for the aim of decorating their living room. This time of year, its cheaper and perhaps more relevant to use Christmas Trees. If those happy buyers are indeed enjoying their lovely 4K tv set that they have cruelly deprived me of, perhaps they can make it up to me and secure my Videography services and actually watch a proper 4K video rather than something that's been horribly up-scaled instead.
Still I'm not bitter; some of those TV's don't have HMDI 2.0, so I'll have the last laugh. :)
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Old November 28th, 2014, 03:42 PM   #48
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Steve, I'm not a wedding video guy. I do know enough however to be dangerous.

A couple of days ago I got my hair cut by a women who I've been going to for the past 6 or 7 years, she also cuts Sam Shepard's hair but that neither here nor there. She told me she was getting married, after congratulating I offered to do the video for her. She said they had already chosen a photographer, and she wasn't interested in any video..... She joked about how many times would anyone watch a wedding video! I was both shocked and enlightened at the same time, but sadly had to agree with her.

You may well indeed deliver your goods via DVD, blue ray or whatever but 99 percent of people will watch it on their iPhones or iPads.

For the first time ever this year no recording artist went platinum although Beyoncé has 30 million hits on YouTube.

Resistance is futile!
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Old November 28th, 2014, 03:47 PM   #49
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Michael Thames View Post
Steve, I'm not a wedding video guy. I do know enough however to be dangerous.

A couple of days ago I got my hair cut by a women who I've been going to for the past 6 or 7 years, she also cuts Sam Shepard's hair but that neither here nor there. She told me she was getting married, after congratulating I offered to do the video for her. She said they had already chosen a photographer, and she wasn't interested in any video..... She joked about how many times would anyone watch a wedding video! I was both shocked and enlightened at the same time, but sadly had to agree with her.

You may well indeed deliver your goods via DVD, blue ray or whatever but 99 percent of people will watch it on their iPhones or iPads.

For the first time ever this year no recording artist went platinum although Beyoncé has 30 million hits on YouTube.

Resistance is futile!
How do you insert a DVD into an iphone?
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Old November 29th, 2014, 08:36 AM   #50
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett View Post
Doesn't cinema break that rule. Plus some of my videos are watched on tablets and smart phones. Maybe I'll shoot as normal and put a disclaimer on the video; 'watching on a screen larger than 42" can seriously damage your self image'.

Bit harsh. Reframing is less a safety net and more an option in filming. I have a good low light lens 12-35, but in civil Weddings, I'd prefer a f2.8 12-70. Such a lens does not exist for micro 4/3s as far as I'm aware. 4k helps in that respect. Still we can argue respected systems till we're blue in the face. No one camera system is perfect. Ideally you'd have multiple systems at your disposal; hardly practical for event filming. I'm sure you're doing great work with your camera system as I'm doing with mine.
Originally Posted by Steve Burkett View Post
How do you insert a DVD into an iphone?
You don't...... you convert it into an MP4. According to Noa Put, one of my favorite wedding video shooters in the world. Hardly anyone watches DVD's anymore.

" think you might be surprised how many weddingcouples just use their tablets to show their video to whoever is interested, I think the time people actually watch an entire weddingfilm on a tv at their friends place is over, they'll just whip out that Ipad instead." Noa Put.

This is also true in the audio world. Most musician's don't bother making actual CD's anymore they sell everything as a download from the web onto their respective devices.

It's nice to have a back up hard copy in the form of a DVD but if you want to share it put it on your mobile device. Steve, in the future perhaps you should offer that option along with a DVD.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 09:53 AM   #51
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

At their own home my clients will still watch their own film on a tv and very often on a dvd and they have a usb stick with the wedding as a HD mp4 file which they can plug into a tv when needed, I only see that about every mail I get has a signature like "send from my ipad" and I think that is being used a lot at home but also as soon as they leave their house. Dvd's however are still very popular and still get used a lot by the parents and grandparents, blu-ray however is hardly requested. I do however notice more interest in 4K as I do get asked at weddings what difference it makes, my ax100 has a 4K logo on the side and I have had guests coming up to me asking about it, something I never encountered with HD so they are starting to be aware about it, especially since 4K tv's are pushed hard in sales.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 10:04 AM   #52
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
At their own home my clients will still watch their own film on a tv and very often on a dvd and they have a usb stick with the wedding as a HD mp4 file which they can plug into a tv when needed, I only see that about every mail I get has a signature like "send from my ipad" and I think that is being used a lot at home but also as soon as they leave their house. Dvd's however are still very popular and still get used a lot by the parents and grandparents, blu-ray however is hardly requested. I do however notice more interest in 4K as I do get asked at weddings what difference it makes, my ax100 has a 4K logo on the side and I have had guests coming up to me asking about it, something I never encountered with HD so they are starting to be aware about it, especially since 4K tv's are pushed hard in sales.
Well then, you just contradicted yourself.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 10:10 AM   #53
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

No I didn't, I said "at their friends place" which is different from their own or their parents and grandparents place. Dvd is still a very popular medium, but tablets are quickly replacing pc's and laptops and they are easy to take along but if they want to enjoy it fully, they still will be watching it on a big tv.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 11:18 AM   #54
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
No I didn't, I said "at their friends place" which is different from their own or their parents and grandparents place. Dvd is still a very popular medium, but tablets are quickly replacing pc's and laptops and they are easy to take along but if they want to enjoy it fully, they still will be watching it on a big tv.
OK, I stand corrected on a minor technicality.

I've shot two wedding videos..... my step daughter, who got divorced 3 months later, and my own wedding in Thailand. Neither my wife nor I have ever watched our wedding video, instead she just looks at the photos, uploads photos onto Facebook etc. However, I know if she had access to the wedding video on her iPad she would watch it more and share it with her friends.

It must be a rare kind a couple who sits around the house loads in the DVD and watches their wedding videos more than once!
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Old November 29th, 2014, 11:28 AM   #55
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

My wedding video (made in the 80's) was 1,5 hour long and we watched it only once on our vhs recorder, today I make 20 minute films which I believe is about as long as you can go before people will start to use the remote to fast forward. Now and then I do get some very excited brides that hired me that regularly check my site and respond every time I post a new video, those are also the ones that will keep watching their wedding videos much more then you might expect. The shorter it is, the more it will be watched, that's why a 3-5 minute trailer is popular and most likely watched on tablet on phones.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 05:07 PM   #56
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Michael Thames View Post
You don't...... you convert it into an MP4. According to Noa Put, one of my favorite wedding video shooters in the world. Hardly anyone watches DVD's anymore.

It's nice to have a back up hard copy in the form of a DVD but if you want to share it put it on your mobile device. Steve, in the future perhaps you should offer that option along with a DVD.
I've been offering digital copies for 5 years now. I have Trailers online, but as my clients want longform videos, their length between 75 to 150 minutes makes it difficult to place online, and only done if the couple live abroad. Connection speed round my way is a bit crap. 10 hours to upload a 2 hour video to Vimeo is maddening. I also do 30 minute cut downs of the main video, but it has copyright music; licensed for disks, but not online distribution. The answer would be to do a 15 minute highlight reel; this though takes time and my workload pushed me this year as it is. Something to consider for my higher paid clients.

I don't know how often my clients watch their videos; for most they are still watching on the TV, and I don't see that changing with Smart TV's giving access to online videos. I frequently watch Youtube content on my TV thanks to Chromecast. Would a couple really watch a 2 hour video together round a tablet or in the comfort of their living room on their large TV. I don't see the end of television sets just yet.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 05:41 PM   #57
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Re: Has anyone here switched from 5D3 to GH4 for weddings?

I don't see the end of television sets just yet.
Ofcourse not, they are only getting bigger and bigger and getting a more prominent place in the livingroom.
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