Anyone using 2.5GHz wireless for Weddings - Page 2 at
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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old March 23rd, 2015, 09:46 PM   #16
Inner Circle
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Re: Anyone using 2.5GHz wireless for Weddings

The really big issue is that government agencies seem to be allocating more and more frequencies to digital radio, mobile/cell and TV using bands that were previously allocated to our wireless mics. My gear runs in the 794 - 805 Mhz band with 64 channels and it's tough to find any clear channels ..granted it's only a digital signal that comes in and gives interference but it does modulate the signal enough to cause issues and these transmitters and a LOT more powerful than what we use. At 10mw we are unlikely to cause any issues with the broadcast bands but they still interfere with us sadly!!

I don't mind buying a new pair of transmitters and receivers BUT how long will they last until those frequencies are reallocated ... we already have been squashed into a tiny band now and more and more Churches and casual users are using wireless so the overcrowding will just get worse. I don't want to outlay $2000 on new audio gear to find out that it's just no usable after 6 months!! Especially at weddings you really don't have a lot of time to set up audio and fiddle trying to find a clear space!! Hmmm maybe the real answer is a voice recorder in the groom's pocket and then output the signal via 2.4G back to you at the camera so you can monitor the signal ... the issue STILL remains that with a recorder there is no way you can lift the level if it's low ...once a voice recorder is running, it's running and you lose all control.
I do like to be able to listen to the vows and if the bride starts whispering, I can lift the level a bit and then drop back a bit if the groom is too loud.

Obviously the link provided in the first post is not a suggestion to buy the eBay $125 system has awful reviews and most have sent it back ....!!!

Maybe we will have to start going back to the old way and run a cable from camera to lav least the audio would be close to perfect then!!

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Old March 24th, 2015, 10:07 PM   #17
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Re: Anyone using 2.5GHz wireless for Weddings

the best way to select a band for any UHF is to ask to the rental shop in town what they have available to rent (in your town).
That works better than any "review" (many are paid by the distributors by the way) or salesmen trying to sell what they have left.

I don't see any valid alternative to UHF right now. There are the lectros and all the others. The lectros work all the time, while the sennheiser works too, but not as good. All the others will be a waste of time and money.
I run on sennheiser G3 and a cheap polsen (handheld only) but only when I need a second handheld for group live interviews.
the 2.4GHz system doesn't look up to the task in our line of work, and even sennheiser doesn't offer the new D line for cameras. so it's only for DJ and similar (who are well used to the technology and the shortcomings).
Regarding the recorder I have to admit that I do use it, and pretty often too. Mainly as a backup for the interviewer in case she/he forgets to point the (cardioid) handheld to the right mouth. Don't worry about the levels: unfortunately the zoom can't handle auto gain, but even if you stay low the quality will be still "manageable". With a giant squid a zoom H1 gives some serious audio!

a cord is a thing of the past, plus don't underestimate the risks of people falling down and then you'll be responsible and stuff like that. I'd go for a zoom and a conservative preset of the gain. it works.
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