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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old March 14th, 2006, 05:32 PM   #16
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I just started offering an iPod version for my clients at no charge. I figure I'll make up whatever I lose on conversion to referrals. To me this is the same thing as someone sharing wallet size photos of their wedding.

Chris Watson
Watson Videography
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Old March 14th, 2006, 06:59 PM   #17
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Steven, seems like your original thread here has two conversations going on...

Peter, yeah I forgot the 360 hasn't made it down-under yet. It's pretty cool, but being just for games, it's a bit overkill. I still love it. If I didn't get the deal I did ($220 for the Premium) I certainly wouldn't have it. I originally thought I'd buy it for $220 then sell it on eBay for upwards of $600, but my boys would have locked me outside forever if I sold it :( so it's here to stay.

Jonathon, you have some great ideas, and I think little touches like those really help with wom referrals. My last wedding, I taped a few moments of the b&g thanking everyone for attending, and I dropped that on about 20 little mini-dvds along with the highlights clip for them to send out with their thank-you cards to special guests. They loved it! It has a little interface and everything.

John Kang, I agree the PSP is the best portable device. I much prefer it over the vPod, but that's just me.

And believe me, I know the heartaches of trying to justify the money we all spend on electronics. She's a hair stylist, and recently needed new shears. When she told me the pair she wanted was $280, I freaked out... $280 for scissors!?? She promptly went upstairs and grabbed my camera bag, started pulling out equipment and naming the price of each, and I quickly shut-up :P
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Old March 15th, 2006, 06:06 AM   #18
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Isn't it amazing how a woman can remember every little detail that we might forget. :)

It helps to keep me humble.

Regarding the PSP, they have those adapters you place on top of the PSP monitor to view the screen on tv. It's basically a camera that picks up the picture from your PSP screen. I don't think it's the best way to go but you can view it on a larger display. This are 3rd party gear and you can read reviews about them on other sites.

I've always wondered when Sony would bring out an adapter to show what's playing on the PSP on to the TV screen. I've read about this in Video Business magazine (I think) and their was a hint by Sony (?) that they were coming out with a adapter to connect to the TV set. This is due to the drop in sales of UMD discs, so the speculations went.

I've seen a shot of some teens playing a PSP game while viewing it on a TV set. They were playing a racing game, and It didn't look like they had the monstrous adapter attached to the top. At the time I had not thought anything about it as this was around the time that Sony had just recently released the PSP. Now it sort of makes sense that Sony would have maybe put some considerations into this. I think the adapter will use the usb connection. It'll probably be a usb to rca connector, kinda like those cheap video capture devices you connect to your computer via usb.

I say this, as this would be another notch for Sony to Apple's iPod. Once more way to display your images without lugging too many things around.

Of course, this could all be under Area 51 as well...
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Old March 15th, 2006, 11:53 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Bob Zimmerman
I saw someone who added his and her iPods onto the wedding package for a extra $800.00. He was just putting pictures on the iPods.

Did that include 2 iPods, or what?
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Old March 15th, 2006, 01:31 PM   #20
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I often use a portable media player to show work to prospective clients. I have used both the iPod (which has no speakers, which is a pain) and the PSP (which has little storage and the speakers are pretty quiet if you're in a restaurant or something).

I now use the TAVI portable media player ( It was expensive (~$500), but it's way smaller than the PSP, has a protected flip-top screen, has 20GB of stoage, and 2 LOUD speakers.

So far, it's the best player for client presentations that I have found. YMMV, however...


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Old March 15th, 2006, 01:43 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Benjamin Freedman

So far, it's the best player for client presentations that I have found. YMMV, however...

However what?
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Old March 15th, 2006, 04:46 PM   #22
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Benjamin, the PSP only has little storage if you have a little memory card. Compared to the vPod, even the largest card is small! But on my 1gb card I have 7 (3 minutes average) demos on it, 6 episodes of The Office, about 30 mp3s, about 80 photographs, and maybe 10 gamesaves, and there's 100 megs left over. I agree about the speakers though... they are weak. During encoding, I usually pump up the volume some, but it's still a bit weak.

That being said, after checking out that tavi, it looks awesome! One feature that would be really nice is the video-out. Can't do that with a vPod or PSP. Also like the multiple formats you can save the video in. If only it was 16:9, it would be perfect. I'll definitely check it out more. Thanks for sharing!

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Old March 15th, 2006, 06:54 PM   #23
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Anyone have the work flow from Vegas 6 or so to the Ipod, I just bought this thing and don't have the money for Quicktime pro after that drop of change. :}
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old March 15th, 2006, 06:55 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Chris M Watson
I just started offering an iPod version for my clients at no charge. I figure I'll make up whatever I lose on conversion to referrals. To me this is the same thing as someone sharing wallet size photos of their wedding.

Chris Watson
Watson Videography

Chris, what is the workflow from Vegas to the Ipod, I did a straight out 320/ but it didn't import.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old March 16th, 2006, 06:17 PM   #25
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it's not about .mov, it's about codecs.

.mov is the container format, you want to encode ipod-compatible files with the mpeg4 codec, if that's all you have... so it would be an mpeg4 file in the .mov format.
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