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Old February 16th, 2008, 11:00 PM   #1
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Hi everyone,
This is my first camcorder and I'm going on vacation in acouple of weekss. So I shot some test shots. Driving around in the car, the dog and so on..... I follow the instructions that came with the camera and load the software. I was also told to purchase Vegas Studio 8.0 (they said its easier to use). Well, I have been sitting here for hours and nothing is coming out right. For example: 1) You kow when you download photo's or movies you can actually view the actual scene as a thumbnail? Well I can't. So even if I wanted to eit my scenes and put them together...I can;t because there is no way to view the thumbnail. There is a icon of some sort with the corresponding number on the bottom of it. Mind you, I read the instrutions and followed them to the 'T". So I tried to use Vegas and its doesn't recognize the format. I feel like I just purchased a $1000.00 headache. My vacation is arounf the corner so I need to rectify this problem or should I just bring it back and get a tape camcorder?
2) Do I need the Canon BackUp Utility program to download clips from my camcorder? Plus my movies go to a folder marked stream, is this correct?
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Old February 16th, 2008, 11:42 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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I really doubt there is any problem with the camcorder. Most likely it's a matter regarding your particular computer configuration... hardware, software etc. What are your system specs exactly? Moving this from Canon HG10 to Sony Vegas.

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Old February 17th, 2008, 09:59 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Tom Marks View Post
Hi everyone,

2) Do I need the Canon BackUp Utility program to download clips from my camcorder? Plus my movies go to a folder marked stream, is this correct?

I'm not sure about Vegas (don't use it). Googling other sites, seems like you might need the Pro version of Vegas.

But if you you the Canon backup utility, it will store the files in a folder by date.
Then the Corel Intervideo player will play them.
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Old February 17th, 2008, 10:08 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Tom Marks View Post
2) Do I need the Canon BackUp Utility program to download clips from my camcorder? Plus my movies go to a folder marked stream, is this correct?
Yes Tom, the video files are in the folder called stream if you use Canon Backup Utility. These files starting '0000' '0001' '0002' are the .mts files. I cannot get them them to display a still from the clip in the thumbnails in the windows folder either. This would be normal, as they are not being opened with wmp.

If you have Vegas 8b you just click file/import/Media and browse to the folder with these files. The files will then show as thumbnails in the vegas window.

Also you do not need to use Canon Backup Utility or any program for that matter to download from from the hard disc of the HG10 to your computer.
Just treat the cameras drive as any other attached drive and copy the files or complete folder and paste to your computer drive.
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Old February 17th, 2008, 10:38 AM   #5
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I think that Brian is right. I was using Vegas pro 8. It seems that vegas studio 8 or studeo 8 platinum cannot edit or 'see' canon mts video clips and the latter only being able to edit Sony AVCHD mts files.

So IMO the person who sold this to you was mis-informed. Just ask for your money back and/or get Ulead studeo 11 plus. I can confirm that Studeo 11+ can indeed read and edit your .mts files. It will require a free short download for this AVCHD support.

Having said that the software supplied by Canon will do this also.

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Old February 17th, 2008, 07:23 PM   #6
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Regarding HG10 Issue

Thanks guys. I will try what you suggested and let you know how it went. I have been behind this computer for 2 straight days (literally 2 days no exaggeration) trying to figure this out. I was about to go back to B&H here in NY and return this camera. I did make some test runs with the software that came with the camera. I made a set of DVD and AVCHD disks. I played them on my PS3 and I have to say the AVCHD disk was very clean. I could just imagine if I had a Blue-Ray burner what I could do.
Pascal I will take your word for it and get Ulead Studio 11 Plus and try it out. Let me ask you guys a question. Those of you that have the Canon HG10 the software it came with...the" corel " software. Is there anyway to get into the seeting of this program. The version I have which is Ver.2 seems alomost like a trial version because there is not much you can do with it. Do you feel the same way?
Pascal you also said that you don't have to you use the Utility program to retrieve footage onto you computer "Just treat the cameras drive as any other attached drive and copy the files or complete folder and paste to your computer drive." In the instructional booklet it says not to to that b/c one might be able to coorupt the drive inside the camera. Is this true? I'll try long as your doing it with no problems why not. Well thanks for advise and I will keep you up to date if not I will be back asking for more help.

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Old February 17th, 2008, 09:18 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Tom Marks View Post
Those of you that have the Canon HG10 the software it came with...the" corel " software. Is there anyway to get into the seeting of this program. The version I have which is Ver.2 seems alomost like a trial version because there is not much you can do with it. Do you feel the same way?
I think you are talking about DVD MovieFactory SE?

Haven't used it since I installed Pinnacle 11+.

Pascal you also said that you don't have to you use the Utility program to retrieve footage onto you computer "Just treat the cameras drive as any other attached drive and copy the files or complete folder and paste to your computer drive." In the instructional booklet it says not to to that b/c one might be able to coorupt the drive inside the camera. Is this true? I'll try long as your doing it with no problems why not. Well thanks for advise and I will keep you up to date if not I will be back asking for more help.
I think the more important step is to use the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon in the system tray.

If windows is doing anything to the drive, and you unplug it - you're probably asking for trouble. But I'm sure you could reinitialize it without a problem is there is corruption?

I find it convenient to have the Corel Guidemenu just put them in a dated folder. But I still use the remove hardware icon. And my WIN XP does bring up the AVCHD folder on the HG10 automatically.
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Old February 17th, 2008, 09:53 PM   #8
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Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus.....still a problem

I downloaded Uleads Video studio 11 Plus and I'm having the same prolem. When I want to go into my folders where the video from the camera is I am unable to see a pic of the thumbnail. This means that this program is not reading the MTS format. I thought you said it does? I have so much footage that it would take me forever to go through the shots just to pick the ones I want to use. What di I do now...I just spent $100 and the same thing is happening with this program like it it did with Vegas and the Bull*&^% program that came with the camera.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 07:02 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tom Marks View Post
I downloaded Uleads Video studio 11 Plus and I'm having the same prolem. When I want to go into my folders where the video from the camera is I am unable to see a pic of the thumbnail. This means that this program is not reading the MTS format. I thought you said it does? I have so much footage that it would take me forever to go through the shots just to pick the ones I want to use. What di I do now...I just spent $100 and the same thing is happening with this program like it it did with Vegas and the Bull*&^% program that came with the camera.
I have version (haven't downloaded the latest patches).

I went to in Pinnacle plus -


My two clips 00000.MTS and 00001.MTS are there with with thumbnails and I can play them.

I assume you registered the Pinnacle software and entered in all 4 serial keys?
software, divx, h264, and dolby2channel?

I'm running Windows XP pro here.

Also, if I use the Corel guidemenu and copy the files to a folder as .m2ts files, it reads those too in Pinnacle.

This person here has an HG10 file edited with Sony Vegas Platinum 8 (not sue if he preconverted or anything).
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Old February 18th, 2008, 12:07 PM   #10
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Hi Tom

As you can see on the small print, you cannot update the trial version with the AVCHD Power pack. It is the free power pack here that allows you to see/edit/play the Canon mts files. But as the update only works on the full version you cannot install on the trial. B&H gave you the wrong program in the first place so you should be able to swap it for Ulead 11 and then download the power pack above.

There is also some special offer on the much more powerful vegas pro in B&H by means of buying 6 and upgrading to 8pro, that I read here on dvinfo. BTW Here in Euroland B&H are cigarettes. :)
Vegas pro 8 is fantastic. I am only learning it. It de-interlaces automatically whilst rendering etc. There is a free trial of Vegas Pro 8 here: It will work with your canon mts files. You have nothing to lose by trying it out Tom. This section of dvinfo has a mountain of knowledge on vegas pro settings etc. For instance I put in the word interpolate, and discovered that by using this setting my de-interlacing was so much clearer for pc viewing.

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Old February 19th, 2008, 02:22 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Tom Marks View Post
2) Do I need the Canon BackUp Utility program to download clips from my camcorder? Plus my movies go to a folder marked stream, is this correct?
Firstly, do you have Vegas Movie Studio or Vegas Movie Studio Platinum? The lowest end Studio won't read AVCHD. Also, my Vegas Platinum has a few issues sometimes with the .mts files straight from the cam but doesn't mind when they are renamed .m2ts courtesy of GuideMenu.
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