De-Interlacing (Getting rid of the lines) at
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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old February 22nd, 2008, 09:25 AM   #1
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De-Interlacing (Getting rid of the lines)

I've recently migrated to the world of HDV. I capture in HD, edit in HD. It seems that no matter what template I render out to (even uncompressed) I get a ton of interlacing. Whenever there's lots of motion on the screen it gets especially bad. What should I mess with to fix it? I've tried different de-interlacing methods, upper and lower frames first, etc.
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Old February 22nd, 2008, 09:53 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Deinterlacing HDV 1080i

Hi Roger. This comes up pretty frequently. My way round it is below in this thread and there are links in there to other good posts and links to key information about the choices when converting interlaced to progressive (advantages of blended versus interpolated fields and visa versa etc.)

A quick search of the DVinfo editing forums (like the HD and Vegas ones) with 'deinterlacing' will throw up quite a few more threads for you to read also! Here is some good information posted a while back.

Originally Posted by David Jimerson View Post
1) "Blend Fields": this is (more or less) taking Field 1 and Field 2, pushing them together, and blurring out any interlace artifact (the comb effect) caused by the different positions of any moving objects. If there is little motion, this can be an effective method, because it will preserve more vertical resolution. But if there's a lot of motion, it will produce undesirable results, with funky movement and ghost-like auras around anything moving.

2) "Interpolate Fields": this is (again, more or less) taking every other field (Fields 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.), throwing away the rest, and then making (interpolating) full frames out of the remaining fields. Because the full frames will be comprised of only single moments in time, instead of two moments in time, there's no motion to reconcile within the individual frames, and you won't get the motion artifacting or ghosting. But because the frame is a whole picture being made out of the information from only half a frame, there can be a loss of up to half of the vertical resolution. But, other than that, it's good 30p, because it will be full pictures taken every 1/30th of a second, just as 30p should be.
Also, I strongly recommend you study this excellent Sony document for a full overview of Vegas rendering settings ....before you stray too far into randomly changing/messing with things! It will help you focus on the most important things for improving quality - thanks go to Jim Browning who posted this useful link on the forum in the last day or so.

Welcome to the world of HDV and the nightmare (...or is it fun?) that editing with HDV interlaced can be! Good luck!
Andy K Wilkinson -
Cambridge (UK) Corporate Video Production

Last edited by Andy Wilkinson; February 22nd, 2008 at 11:02 AM. Reason: Putting in links and yet more useful info!
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