Neat Video + Magic Bullet Looks affects opacity levels
I just discovered that Neat Video and Magic Bullet Looks used together CAN have an impact on opacity levels. Note I am stressing 'CAN'.
I have a track with a number of clips all taken from the same media source (progressive, w/s PAL DV) and requiring the same level of noise clean-up. I added Neat to the track level fx. I also added an instance of Looks 1.1 and tweaked things like exposure and curves.
I then added a track below with no fx. On lowering the opacity level of the upper clip I noticed that even a 1% drop caused the top image to disappear completely, replaced by the lower image (as though the top track was set to 0% opacity). Bypassing Neat OR Looks resolved the issue. Even when turning off all the tools in the Looks chain, the issue remains.
I then created a new project with the exact same settings and imported two clips (from the same source) to two tracks with the same filters and settings applied. Can I recreate the issue? Can I hell!
I went back to the original project and checked all settings and other filters in use. They are identical to the test project. I then tried switching off 'Assume Linear Gamma' in Looks. That worked - opacity levels were as they should be. But back in the test project, Assume Linear Gamma had no effect, on or off! Aaarrgghhh!
So, in summary, I have no idea what is going on or why it's happening but it's something to be aware of if you are experiencing weird opacity issues. Thought someone, somewhere might like to know . . .