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Vince Debart November 14th, 2005 04:57 PM

Thanks Edward


I may just go to Vegas 6 DVDA3...the audio scrub sounds cool...and I do need duel Layer.. and maybe some day HDV


John Lorince November 14th, 2005 10:32 PM

HDV with Connect HD and Vegas 6c
Hey Guys and Gals,
I do alot of shooting with a JVC HD10u. It is not my dream camera by no means, but it shoots nice images. I capture the footage into my PC with Connect HD. Then that program automatically converts that footage to manageable AVI's to edit in vegas 6. I use this only because I have found that Vegas 6's capture ingredient does not suite my PC or it is just not ready. I have a P4 3.2 and 1 gig of ram. I use two drives yada yada for capturing and editing. After I load the files into Vegas 6 should I use the hdv 1280 X 720 in 30p if I am just going to burn this to dvd? Doesn't dvd compress everything to MPeg2 anyway? If was going to maintain the file and send it to a broadcast station, what tape would I have to roll that out to?

Bill Grant November 15th, 2005 08:56 AM

backlit altar
so I have a second camera shot from a panasonic GS-120 that has a bright sky in the background. The wedding party is almost completely in sillouette. Is there any filter or effect I can apply to this to clarify the wedding party. I have to use this feed for the entrance and exit of the party, so I would love to have it "visible" youknow? Thanks in advance.


Brian Kennedy November 15th, 2005 10:47 AM

Bill - it sounds like the shot is already done, and the image is severely underexposed. If so, using curves to try to open up the shadows may help, but I suspect there is not much detail in those shadows and a lot of noise.

I'd try using curves first, maybe with some noise reduction with the shadow noise you're likely to see, but you might be better off accepting it as is and seeing if you can use it in some artsy way, as if you did it on purpose.

Others may be able to offer more help. I come from a still photography background, and maybe there are some video tricks I'm not aware of.

Edward Troxel November 15th, 2005 11:55 AM

Perhaps if you could post a snapshot for people to play with...

Shawn Redford November 15th, 2005 02:36 PM

Will Sony improve the HDV Capture Tool?
For now I'm planning on using GearShift 1.5 and converting the m2t files on my 3Mhz P4. However, I really wish that the built-in Vegas 6c video capture tool had the scene detection capabilities for HDV. Bringing in a huge HDV file is not only unappealing, but hard to use from an editing perspective (others seem to agree: http://www.sonymediasoftware.com/for...ssageID=420732) Does anyone know if/when Sony will add Scene Detection for the Vegas HDV video capture tool? I'm not interested in purchasing Cineform just for this capability either - it's equal to the Vegas 6 upgrade cost.

The other thing I really miss is the 'dropped frames' counter that also was in the DV capture tool. With just a glance, I could tell if the tape fully loaded. As far as I can tell, the only way to know this now is in the midst of editing.

Fred Foronda November 15th, 2005 02:49 PM

I was wondering that too. I don't understand why Sony did that. It's like I'll buy a brandnew car with all the bells and whisltes but doesn't come with tires.

Bill Porter November 15th, 2005 04:40 PM

I believe this belongs in the other Vegas forum, the "What Happens In Vegas... (HDV)"


John Lorince November 15th, 2005 04:55 PM

ooops, sorry can someone put this topic in the HDV thread~
Can the kennelmaster redirect me perhaps?

Mike Black November 15th, 2005 06:01 PM

Looks better rendered
I had the same problem and found that when it is rendered or prerendered it looks better.

Edward Troxel November 15th, 2005 06:23 PM

moved to HDV.

Douglas Spotted Eagle November 15th, 2005 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by John Lorince
Hey Guys and Gals,
I do alot of shooting with a JVC HD10u. It is not my dream camera by no means, but it shoots nice images. I capture the footage into my PC with Connect HD. Then that program automatically converts that footage to manageable AVI's to edit in vegas 6. I use this only because I have found that Vegas 6's capture ingredient does not suite my PC or it is just not ready. I have a P4 3.2 and 1 gig of ram. I use two drives yada yada for capturing and editing. After I load the files into Vegas 6 should I use the hdv 1280 X 720 in 30p if I am just going to burn this to dvd? Doesn't dvd compress everything to MPeg2 anyway? If was going to maintain the file and send it to a broadcast station, what tape would I have to roll that out to?

If you're delivering to broadcast for HD delivery, you'd have to deliver on HDCAM or D5HD, depending on what they ask for. Some will also accept delivery on a hard drive if they have a media server.
Connect HD is likely the best way for you to work, and I'd be editing the CineForm files. Use the 1280 x 720 30p template, you'll be happy with it.

Kevin Richard November 16th, 2005 12:57 AM

QuickTime issues, captured in FCP
I was trying to edit (in vegas 6) a wedding we shot and my partner captured via his mac in FCP but the audio is out of sync in vegas. They play fine when viewed in the quicktime player. I even thought maybe it was just a preview problem but even after I render it out to mpeg it is out of sync the same.

Anyone have any clue or suggestions as to what to do to fix this? Granted I'm getting pretty proficient in FCP but I would rather be able to edit at my house on my machine vs at his place on his G4.

Douglas Spotted Eagle November 16th, 2005 07:12 AM

What format did they capture to in FCP? If it's DV in a Quicktime, then you're only out of sync due to processor speed in Vegas. It's pretty tough to make DV go out of sync. You might try:
1. recapture using same names, so you can use his EDL from FCP,
2. rename his .mov files as .avi

Dale Nicholson November 16th, 2005 11:50 AM

Selectively Pre-Render Video question
I'm sure I'm doing something very simple wrong, but here it goes:

When I "Selectively Pre-Render Video" (say a 30 second video clip), it only creates 10 second segments. Is that normal? How do I get it to do the Whole thing?

--Dale, using Vegas 6

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