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Boyd Ostroff April 10th, 2006 07:20 PM

Welcome to DVinfo Jim. I think you'll need to give us a hint as to what kind of computer and what software you're using before anyone can help you out with this! If you let me know then I'll move your post to the appropriate forum where you should get more responses.

Jim Hawley April 10th, 2006 08:02 PM

Thanks Boyd.

I'm using a Dell Latitude D800 with 512 memory and Vegas 6. I answered part of my own question. Once rendered, there was no jumpiness (it that's a word).

So I guess my next question would be...how much image quality will I lose if I convert to JPG from TIF? I assume that depends on how large the final screening medium is (from tiny browser window or theater projection screen)

I know these questions are very basic, but that is where I am right now.

Thanks again,


Boyd Ostroff April 10th, 2006 08:09 PM

Hey Jim; I moved this thread to our (standard definition) Vegas forum which is the best place to ask questions like these. We also have another Vegas forum dedicated to high definition. I use Macs so I can't really help, but I'm sure others can.

Peter Jefferson April 10th, 2006 09:27 PM

yeah dude, from memory i think TIFF are running through a QT shell (i might be wrong here) and QT itelf is rather slow on the Veggie timeline, as are most stills anyway...

reason is is that these stills are being converted to DV on the fly for your preview monitoring..
rendering is always full frame unless ur harddrive fails during the render.. ive never known vegas to drop a frame at render... i could be wrong, but in my years of using it, ive never had an issue

if your ever in doubt of how a frame moves etc just highlight the area and hold cntl, and tab B, this will give u a ram render of the highlights bits and u can play that back in realtime at full frame without having to render out..

IMO with vegas as it has some issues rescaling certain images (ie if ur still image is like 4000x6000 @300 dpi) id recommend you rezize it to maybe double or triple that of your project resolution (ie average 3000x2000) and use a lower DPI as with video u only need 72dpiif u have a batch of images, u can batch convert with photoshop or pretty much any app thats out there these days...

Downconverting ur pics for the project will also speed up rendering and as u only have 512mb ram, you pagefile wont bog down. The vegas 6 pagefile management is totaly different to V5, but with 6, as soon as u start using non video files, it eats up your pagefile like pacman

Douglas Spotted Eagle April 10th, 2006 09:44 PM

As Peter alluded to, .tif files aren't all that great for editing in Vegas, because .tif files require Quicktime, so it's being translated and scaled at the same time. Batch convert your pix to .png or .tga for best results.

Graham Bernard April 11th, 2006 04:05 AM

Media Manager reality Check please!? AWOL Push Pin?
I'm using MM2.1 - came with ACID Pro6 - does your PUSH pin option work on the Properties Pane fly out? I don't even HAVE a push pin?


Peter Jefferson April 11th, 2006 09:59 AM

More fiddling about.. this is ONE thing i hate about HDV and DVCPRoHD is that you gotta convert to intermediate to get anything done efficiently.. apart from using proxies... or a Mac.... BLASPHEMY!

Leigh Hanlon April 11th, 2006 12:15 PM

Exporting to Vegas 4
I recently copied a number of .dv files onto a DVD for a friend to edit using Vegas 4. However, he's unable to open all of them; the larger files (1 GB or more) seem to work OK, but the smaller ones won't open.

Some files transfer smooth/easy; others just choke, and we get a “cyclic redundancy error” message over and over

This is footage I've already transferred to my iMac using either iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Is there something I should be doing that I'm not?


Michael Dunn April 11th, 2006 12:51 PM

How do you pull still frames from the video
We are using Sony Studio + DVD maker and we want to pull still frames from the edited video. We do not need to make still frames in the video only to select a frame and copy it as a single frame and then save the frame to a file outside of the editing program.

These still frames would then be imported into a graphics program and converted to JPEG.

The help program in the editing software has the basics of how to copy the single frame, but not how to put it into a file outside of the edit program.

I need to do that so that the frame(s) could be copied to a file in the hard drive so I can copy them to a CD and then take the stills to a different computer for use as still images.

Any help would be appreciated.

Don Bloom April 11th, 2006 01:10 PM

Place the cursor over the frame you want to make a freeze frame. Change the PREVIEW to BEST FULL click on the little DISC ICON to the RIGHT TOP on the preview screen SAVE AS either JPEG or PNG direct it to where you want to save it hit SAVE and you're done.


Konrad Kal April 11th, 2006 01:31 PM

Hi Daniel,

I just instaled Vegas 6d and am having the same issue. I haven't changed and preferences or made changes to the stock install but when I drag an mp4 file from the HD1 into the timeline and then play it, I get a slow stuttering playback rate in the preview window in the bottom right.

Playback of these files in Quicktime is smooth even on full screen on a 24 incher. Can't be hardware, just built the box with AMD dual core X2 CPU with WD Raptor drives and 2GB of OCZ Ram.

I think using external applications to do conversions, etc. defeats the purpose of Vegas. Ideally, I'd like a complete workflow within this application.

Did you find resolution to your issue?

Michael Dunn April 11th, 2006 11:13 PM

Thanks for the guidance.

We will try it tomorrow.

Daniel Kissel April 12th, 2006 02:52 AM

Vegas 6.0d very slow with Sanyo HD1 files
Hi Konrad-

yes, I still have the problems. I tried to disable the "Ignore 3rd party plugins", "Use Microsoft DV codec" options but to no avail.

Then, I stumbled accross a possible explanation for the sluggishness:

Right-click on the MPEG4 file in media explorer and check properties.

It should say something like "qt5.dll", located in the Vegas plug-in directory.

This is an old Quicktime codec from 2002 (?) and most likely the root-cause.

Anyway, I am currently using Jacky Yew's suggestion and it works like a charm.

Just do a batch convert of all the files, and you'll be dealing with AVI files from there on. Works like a charm and the batch conversion only takes a minute or so...


Originally Posted by Konrad Kal
Hi Daniel,

I just instaled Vegas 6d and am having the same issue. I haven't changed and preferences or made changes to the stock install but when I drag an mp4 file from the HD1 into the timeline and then play it, I get a slow stuttering playback rate in the preview window in the bottom right.

Playback of these files in Quicktime is smooth even on full screen on a 24 incher. Can't be hardware, just built the box with AMD dual core X2 CPU with WD Raptor drives and 2GB of OCZ Ram.

I think using external applications to do conversions, etc. defeats the purpose of Vegas. Ideally, I'd like a complete workflow within this application.

Did you find resolution to your issue?

Konrad Kal April 12th, 2006 03:44 AM

Just curious, are we losing anything (quality/info/versatilty/etc.) by converting to AVI?

I thought the benefit of Vegas was that we could work directly on the mp4 files.

I am wondering why Graham and others are not finding this issue despite the slower hardware.

Jacky Yew April 12th, 2006 03:57 AM

MP4CAM2AVI just re-package to MPEG4 format AVI, no recompression. But AAC audio in AVI is not common, you're recommanded to convert it to PCM.

Seems this issue only affect AMD processor.

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