copying subclips and media bins between projects at
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 02:38 PM   #1
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copying subclips and media bins between projects

I am using Sony Vegas Pro 12.

I am working on documentary that has probably 100 hours of footage. I have gone through 35 interviews, each with between 10 and 120 minutes long and creating new subclips . These subclips are the best of the footage and is what I want to keep. These are then categorized in what is fast becoming a very complex bin structure.

Now I'm at the state of copying the bins across to a master project, merge similar bins etc, so I can start assembling a rough cut.

1. I am pleased to find that subclips (as well as the full parent clip) are carried over to the new project,

2.The subclips names that I given them are lost when dragging the bins into the master project. Is there something I can do to retain the names?

Just want to add what I found on the Sony website regarding Vegas Pro 12:

New! Share media between multiple projects

Media and bins can be imported from one Vegas Pro project to another. Bins can be merged with existing bins in the current project, or a new "master bin" can be created that contains the complete bin structure from the older project. NOTE: (1) Media must be online, (2) subclips are imported, (3) Generated Media is not currently imported.

thanks for your help! James

Last edited by James Redmond; April 3rd, 2013 at 02:53 PM. Reason: more information
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