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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old April 28th, 2006, 06:17 PM   #16
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Posts: 516
Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
How are u actually shooting your footage?? are you letterboxing in cam, or are you strecthing (squeeze mode)
I shoot 16:9 HDV with my Z1 and either capture native M2T if I want to zoom in on the footage or archive in HDV. I also capture HDV/M2T for chromakey work. I edit this footage with the project set to HDV 1080-60i. Otheriwse, I’ll downconvert in-camera using Squeeze mode and capture as DV. Then I just put everything in a DV Widescreen project.

Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
John moving back to celluloid, you mentined this woks on the project level is that correct??
There are three answers to that question:
  1. For the 24p conversion Celluloid works at the Track level. If converts all the footage on the selected track.
  2. For 16:9 Widescreen conversion it works on the whole project adding a 16:9 Pan/Crop to every piece of media in the project (along with changing the project settings itself)
  3. For Apply Film Look it affects either the selected Track, selected Events, or Master Video Bus, depending on which option you choose in the radio buttons.
So Celluloid works at different levels.

Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
Does it zoom the 4:3 footage??
No, it crops. The footage is not zoomed at all. A 16:9 Pan/Crop is applied so you can watch the footage and adjust the crop on the events that need re-framing. Just go into Vegas Pan/Crop and tweak it before you render.

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Old April 28th, 2006, 06:23 PM   #17
Sponsor: VASST
Join Date: May 2005
Location: New York
Posts: 516
Originally Posted by Alex Thames
Anyways, I'm confused. I want my projects to be completely hi-def when using my Sony camera. HDV is widescreen by default, but it's the 16:9 aspect ratio that gets me. Widescreen DV has 720x480 resolution, but so does regular DV (I'm guessing 4:3 ratio?). How can they both have the same resolution but have their aspect ratios be different? And with HDV, isn't the pixel aspect ratio something like 1.333, while DV widescreen is 1.2(something)? Is it this PAR that makes the 16:9 consistent between DV and HDV as well as 4:3 DV and 16:9 DV?
Yes it’s the PAR. Standard DV has a PAR of 0.9091 while DV Widescreen has a PAR of 1.2121. So the Z1 image is squeezed into 720x480 but when you apply the PAR of 1.2121 is stretches out again. The same is true for HDV. When you take the 1440x1080 PAR 1.3333 of the Z1 and apply a PAR of 1.0000 you get the full 1920x1080 HD resolution.

Developer: VASST Ultimate S, Scattershot 3D, Mayhem, FASST Apps, and other VASST Software plug-ins
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