View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. What is the standard for lower thirds on 16:9?
  2. Editing Sound in DVD-A
  3. Vegas Colorspace/Gamma Problem
  4. How do I set up Regions on a timeline as DVD chapters?
  5. rolling spider shake
  6. Easiest way to replicate cinegamma on the Z1 with footage from non-sony cam in Vegas?
  7. 720x480 DV file renders as ... letterbox?
  8. DVD Architect Pro 5.0a update
  9. start Vegas user group?
  10. Full Screen Preview of Timeline
  11. HDV footage
  12. Multicamera with Audio
  13. Trimming the fat
  14. File Management Question
  15. Work not saved
  16. exporting VEG project files in Sony Vegas from one computer to another?
  17. Buzz during preview
  18. New to Vegas; have questions.
  19. Downconverting HD computer Files to DV in Vegas
  20. combining projects (.veg files) possible?
  21. Snapshot capture colors don't match clip
  22. DVD wont play..Do I need Decoder? Vegas and Arc Pro 5.0
  23. How can I replace the clip an event references?
  24. Improving Grotty Old Video
  25. 64 Bit vista ... what do i gain what do i lose?
  26. Differences in RAM
  27. Vegas Video Preview Performance - 32-bit vs 64-bit
  28. Changing the sky "Masking"
  29. Pal Dvd
  30. I can't render a Rotated media and get it right !
  31. another bug in 8.0c or is it something I am missing?
  32. Major Bug in Vegas 8.0c Confirmed
  33. Short project needs image zooms
  34. 64Bit....not seeing a boost
  35. Rendering ...already reandered videos!!!
  36. adding time on timeline! ....
  37. putting clip on tuned off tv
  38. Jagged edge on Titles and texts
  39. MPEG Files Flicker on PC is it my Video Card?
  40. Rendering Advice
  41. Transition Help
  42. Optimal system specs for Vegas
  43. WMV render almost twice as big?
  44. Vista 64 & Contour Shuttle Pro2
  45. Vegas 8 & BM Decklink HD Extreme 2
  46. Can no longer record to timeline in V4
  47. Viva la vegas
  48. Audio automation question
  49. Batch Render in Vegas 8.1
  50. Sheer Codec questions.