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Old November 12th, 2004, 07:59 PM   #1
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I read soemthing about this in antoher forum , but when will the new dvx200 come out? Wit the introduction of the xl2, they should make their move. And sony has ther enw FX thing which will break market record sales. Anybody heard any news or has friends working for panasonic?

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Old November 14th, 2004, 11:38 PM   #2
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My guess is Jan 2006.
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Old November 14th, 2004, 11:56 PM   #3
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What changes you think it will have?
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Old November 15th, 2004, 02:25 AM   #4
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im suprised this hasnt been moved to area 51 yet

Panasonic is watching the FX1 very closely to see how it does in sales before it jumps into a prosumer hd format. What changes will we see if it remains SD?.....I want to see panasonic release a camera with interchangeable lenses like the XL2. Canon has the market cornered, and its time for a change.
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Old November 15th, 2004, 12:58 PM   #5
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De DVX200 you had read somewhere else was a joke. I saw it too, it contained an URL to a Panasonic like webpage, but it was one someone's own web address.
Peter / Orphic Film
www.orphicfilm.nl and www.myspace.com/orphicfilm
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Old December 3rd, 2004, 08:09 AM   #6
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not for a while.. i see them releasing afew more consumer products before they jump again..

on top of that the sales of the FX1 are backlogued here in aus.. were talking 160 units still on hold all bought waiting to be built and delivered.

its that popular already...

the ZUI (i think its called that) is coming out next year and hopefully it wont have the GOP drop issue.

Pana will hopefuly release a shoulder mounted version of the DVX (akin to a DSR250 which shares the same Chipset as the PD150 with afew extra bells and whistles...

as for Pana HDV, theyre signed up for it, but they wont release it until SOny pull out their pro model first.. its just the way Pana operate..
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Old December 4th, 2004, 06:33 AM   #7
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<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Jefferson :

as for Pana HDV, theyre signed up for it, but they wont release it until SOny pull out their pro model first.. its just the way Pana operate.. -->>>

If this was how we operated then the AG-DVX100/A still wouldn't be here, we would still be waiting for Sony to release a 24P DV camera.

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Old December 4th, 2004, 07:35 AM   #8
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<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Jefferson : on top of that the sales of the FX1 are backlogued here in aus.. were talking 160 units still on hold all bought waiting to be built and delivered. its that popular already... -->>>

Here's what puzzles me a bit. The FX-1 does look very cool, and I may eventually get one (or a Z-1). But I suspect the enthusiasm for this camera is limited to a relatively small pool of people. It does sound like they underestimated the demand, or were wrong in their regional allocation. People in Canada report problems getting them as well. But I can't believe that 160 units gets anyone very excited at Sony headquarters. How much profit do they make on each of these? How many units will they sell? I'd guess that the real moneymakers are lower end camcorders that sell by the tens of thousands in time for dad to film "baby's first Christmas" ;-)

Meanwhile, here in the US B&H Photo has been showing the FX-1 in stock for awhile. What's more, they recently dropped the price to $3,500. If this was such a hot selling hard to get item then why would they lower the price? Doesn't make much business sense.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's frustrating to live in Austrailia or Canada and sit around waiting for delivery, and I'm not putting down the FX-1 in any way. But I just think the market for these cameras is still rather limited at this point. And I also suspect that Panasonic and Canon are happy to wait on the sidelines to see how it all plays out.
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Old December 5th, 2004, 09:13 AM   #9
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<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Jefferson :

as for Pana HDV, theyre signed up for it, but they wont release it until SOny pull out their pro model first.. its just the way Pana operate.. -->>>

If this was how we operated then the AG-DVX100/A still wouldn't be here, we would still be waiting for Sony to release a 24P DV camera.


Oh i agree that Pana innovate the market with essentials, however when i keep asking my Rexel rep here when the Pana HDV is coming out, he gives me a giggle...
Im all for pana as opposed to any other brand as ive been shooting on them now for about 6 yrs, and not one of my 4 cams have skipped a beat.
With regard to the DVX, in my opinion as an observer (not a user) the DVX came out to compete with the PD/VX and XL cams... Before the DVX100, i hadnt seen a unit of its calibre, price range, feature set, or within the "range" of the "category" its in now. I migh be wrong, but its existance at first seemed to be there to fill teh Gap which Pana had in that aprticular cam market. To top off th eunit above all other, they added 24p (25p in PAL land) and thats what made is stand out from the others (apart from everything else the camera has that the competition doesnt)
So thats my point when i say Pana will wait until sony release theirs, and if im mistaken, so be it, im glad to be mistaken with this as id love to see a HDVX200 ;) Maybe with a memory card slot for scene files and and a better stabiliser hehehehe.
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Old December 8th, 2004, 12:03 PM   #10
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I can't wait to see the next Panasonic Move next year or the beginning of 2006. YOu can almost feel Panasonic is working on something new and exciting. I am excited too. I can do lots of stuff nowadays with my pc and I am not convinced of 3-ccd cams right now. Too expensive and too hyped!

I prefer to wait for newer products and hopefully a HDVX200.
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