Originally Posted by Steve Nunez
I don't understand why they don't use HDV as the recording spec......why introduce a new spec when we're just getting our NLE's to edit HDV!!!!
Soon their will be too many HD variants and incompatibilties across the board- NLE's will need constant updating to keep up with ever changind HD variants......I wish they would have followed DV and used it upscaled instead of the mpeg-2/4 variations.........
....technology presses on although in too many directions for mass adoption!
1/ Excellent point, which i totally support...
2/ THE NEW CANON LIGHTWEIGHT HV10 ( 440g ) and small size (104*106*56) recording in HDV2 @ 1920*1080 seems , for me, a much better evolution than going AVCHD.
I want to be able to do lightweight edits and derush on my portable, using some simple NLEs like Womble MVW before returning to the "comprehensive" NLE à la Edius, PP, etc
3/ of course some one without editing experience or need will not diagnose that and be seduced by the marketing storm of AVCHD.
4/ nevertheless, on my wishlist, a HV11 with a Tape slot replacable by a HDD or a HighSpeed ( Tosh announced it) SDSuperCard (16/32 gigs @ 25Mbps)
the future goes sidewards...often