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Old September 23rd, 2007, 12:29 PM   #16
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I think this gives HD playback form HDV...

I installed a PNY Nvidia Quadro FX-560. It seems to provide real-time HD playback from a 1080i (24P with pulldown) timeline using the "full screen playback" setting.

If it's not HD when on the full green quality button, it is very nice SD, good enough for client presentations.

If you buy one, make sure it is the "PVE" or Professional Video Edition spec, or you'll get the card without the component breakout box. They can be had for $250-275 or so and also accelerate the Marquee titler and all your Open GL stuff.

You must dowload Avid's approved v91.85 Nvidia driver or you will have sketchy results. It is not easy to setup, but I have it working ONLY in the "full screen playback" toolset.

Weird thing: If I open the effects pallette into this toolset (or the command pallette), it kills full screen playback. Anybody know how to overcome this?

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Old September 23rd, 2007, 11:44 PM   #17
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are you using this setup with the full screen client monitor as your third screen? On top of your regular two screens with bins and timeline?

I don't have an additional video card, just the stock that came with my G5 and the full screen on my second monitor will play but it's not very fluid and I don't find it very clean either.

Anyone with any further experience with the Matrox MXO box running on AXP as a client monitoring for HD/HDV?
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Old September 24th, 2007, 01:30 AM   #18
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One WIDE monitor works fine...


One of my systems (Twin dual core Opteron) uses the Matrox Parhelia which gives me two monitors and HD component output. I have two 19" computer monitors, both roughly 4:3 aspect ratio. Works fine.

My other system (Pentium D) has the Quadro graphics card. It uses a 22" widescreen monitor at 1050x1680 rez, and quite frankly I'm equally comfortable with it. But yes, the Quadro does not support two computer monitors AND the component output. You get a total of two.

Both of my systems are PC with Avid Express Pro HD and Premiere. My Pentium D system still has Premiere 1.5, while the Opteron has PP2.0 with Cineform Prospect, which works very, very well now with XDCAM HD -- so does Avid on this machine.

Bottom line: the Quadro F-560 is not a bad way to go if you have a big enough single monitor.

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Old September 24th, 2007, 12:23 PM   #19
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Thanks Tip.
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Old September 25th, 2007, 05:15 PM   #20
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Well what I think I am going to do now is film in hdv and then downconvert from the camera into avid and/or premiere into a dv timeline.

Edit- Even when I try this I can not get an image on my sony monitor. I have set the dv/av out on my Z1 and nothing. I have also connected the s video calbe directly to my video card (nvidia 7950 and only 1 other monitor is connected also) and there is still no picture. I am thinking about buying this hopefully with that my monitor will work and I won't have to always have my camera on when I am editing. I am getting extremely frustrated with this whole monitor thing.

Last edited by James Brill; September 25th, 2007 at 05:59 PM.
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Old September 26th, 2007, 08:33 AM   #21
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Avid DV Codec on Canopus Device


You might call Grass Valley/Canopus and check into codec compatibility issues with Avid DV codec before you buy. The reason is that what comes out of Avid Xpress IEEE 1394 is encoded in Avid Codec and may or may not be recognized by the device. In fact, in the specifications/features it mentions "Flexible Canopus Codec". I'm not saying it won't work just that what comes down the pipe is Avid DV not Canopus. You might have to transcode into Canopus codec in order for it to have a chance to work. Which kinda defeats your purpose.

So just a heads up. A well known problem with Adrenanline is outputting to a monitor when working with DVCProHD and DNXHD mixed even though it is supposed to be compatible. Even DVCProHD by itself sometimes has problems.

But let us know if it does work.

David Parks: DP/Editor: Jacobs Aerospace at NASA Johnson Space Center
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Old September 26th, 2007, 09:44 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by James Brill View Post
Well what I think I am going to do now is film in hdv and then downconvert from the camera into avid and/or premiere into a dv timeline.

Edit- Even when I try this I can not get an image on my sony monitor. I have set the dv/av out on my Z1 and nothing.....
James, what you are describing doesn't sound like a monitor problem. Let me get this right:
-you are capturing DV (in standard definition) through firewire into Avid?
-you have a DV timeline that plays in Avid?
-your DV device (the camera) is connected to Avid via firewire and all setting are set to DV (not HDV)?
-your camera is switched to VTR mode?
-when you play your timeline you don't see the picture through the camera's LCD?

Please, check all this. If all of this is correct then the problem is somewhere between Avid the the firewire device, not with your monitor.

You can also try to ask for help at one of the Avid forums. There are some very knowledgeable people there.

Good luck.
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